
Showing posts from December, 2019

Kanye West should start his political career now because unfortunately for Kanye West, he will never be a president of the United States of America, delegated and elected as a president and inaugurated into the White House of the United States of America.

So now, Kanye West is back to two healthy options,  1. be a local politician in Los Angeles with the assistance of Eric Garceti.  or,  2. be come a local politician in Miami, Florida.  Either way Kim Khardashian West and her children and Kanye West and his children should have a nice loft or average home to live in together in 1 place.  so I would choose Miami, Florida, where it is much more comfortable for this sort of thing. So the greater area of Miami. And Miami is quite a large Metropolitan Area too. And also, at least the cars there are much more affordable, as well as is a house.  Staying in Chicago is quite poor for just about everybody. and it is partly because of how cold it is there and how that city was constructed. It is a very very cold city.

A Woman President of the United States of America Inaugurated this election cycle. November 2020.

it is more important to protect the natural resources and to conserve rather than to be fiscally responsible, although fiscal responsability is also important. Elizabeth Ann Warren is more than capable to be a president of the United States of America this year of 2020 A woman though, especially in that kind of position and under that type of stress must be protected rather than constantly challenged to be a man. I already know that the United States of America is prepared to have a woman delegated and elected as president of the United States of America. now The proper set of experts and advisors will be necessary for her, though, too. And four years rather than eight years is more of a conservative approach as more time and thought ful data collection will be necessary to ensure the sustainabilty of the Union.

so this soccer football specific stadium in Kingston Jamaica will be:

1. with pristine grass that will be accesible for and by all but with limits with in the laws of Jamaica.  2.  It will be accessible to and for all jamaicans, but primarily for Jamaicans living in Kingston, Jamaica, the capital of Jamaica. 3. The Soccer football clubs of Jamaica that will have the easiest access to this Stadium are: A.  Harbour View Soccer Football Club B.  Waterhouse Soccer Football Club C. Tivoli Gardens Soccer Football Club D. Arnett Gardens Soccer Football Club E.  And other Soccer Football Clubs of Kingston, Jamaica.  my reference for this information is:  at 5:28 PM, December 11th , 2019. 

the conclusion of disparities. this is disparities at it best. it does not get better than that. and disparities is really about the girls. not about the boys. it is about are you white enough, are you cool enough are you hot enough at times, are you pretty enough did you buy the right pair of shoes did you buy the right dress or jeans, did you buy the right purse. that is disparities. do the right thing and you get more opportunities for something and fun and games. And for boys, disparities is always a loss. for boys in that position of absolute poverty it is time to go for pussy. which is a key term for sex. and also anatomy that always helps.

Kanye West and Kim Khardashian and there three children.

dr dre is not an issue. dre can't kill he can merely punch. and he is already losing at that. and you do not need snoop dogg or marshall mathers. just rest and eat comfortably. you do not have to eat the same foods all of the time. and your kids are already doing just fine. but it is still better parents in the same room, or condo, or apartment. they already know the life of the rich and wealthy, and not it is time to rest and get over this mess. and take them to school, and watch the news, and use youtube. and you can even give away the rest of your music. hoarding your music is a waste of your life and also hoarding your bibles is a waste of your life. and wasting time at church is waste of your life. and try to explore catholicism. your kids need catholicism. you do not have to be catholic. but your kids will be. so relocate with Kim Khardashian to Los Angeles, and with your kids. in this case, driving there in a comfortable car...

Rihanna and Kingston, Jamaica

Rihanna still does not know Jamaica. she knows some of the music. you have to sit and talk to the people in kingston first, and instead of continuing to talk you have to listen and accept and let them know you rather than merely being on boats and ships and planes and watching the people. At least you saw a lot of the buildings but that is more because of barbadoes and your chinese father. Maybe some jamaicans of campion college will help you too, and some of the schools in Kingston Jamaica. And they can invite the other schools there too for a day in Kingston celebrating Kingstons, Jamaica, All of the people and animals of Jamaica. and Individuals, and barbadoes, and the University of the West Indies. There is a lot that you still do not even understand about where you are from and how you came about in barbadoes. your father is chinese though. and was some how stranded on Barbadoes. for some reason, regardless if that was his desire or a passive transition....

There is no Virgin.

So, Virginity was lost when cells had sex via pili.

virgin mary becoming pregnant with a fertilization of one of her ovaries

so the catholics let the women typically lead in this conversation, merely to cover up their own confusion.  the confusion of the men and women, and boys and girls who believed that a infant, (zygote)  could be conceived without sex.  in this case sex was defined as original sin. that was done in part to prevent many things at the least 1. as a man who was therefore a god knew that the seed of life was in sperm and woman, the others did not agree and also did not believe him.   I do not know the name of that first man.  although it is in novels and books that were in greco roman empires.   But that man knew and likely he or his son were able to take advantage of a lot of women and knew what to do.  the women were amazed and grateful that it became so easy to know.   he was a god because he knew something that no other man or woman knew.  the woman may have known that she felt something, but it took a time until vivid mast...

salt baths

only a little bit of salt is necessary for a salt bath in a bath tub.  about 1 pinch of salt is necessary for a salt bath in a bath tub.  And it is great for you entire body, including your hair. And that is also great for my hair too,  And it is also great for my entire body too. my entire body includes my hair.  my hair is apart of my body. 

volume overload causes atrial flutter

atrial flutter is an early pathofisiological outcome of volume overload.  it is a result of over hydration such as drinking too much water, or even other liquids including alcohol, and is just secondary to tachycardia. it is due to increased volume moving across an atrioventricular valve, and in this scenario an increase in pressure,  which is almost always a case. 

How many international airports on the Cuba?

There are 10 international airports on Cuba.  reference:

The Capital of Cuba

the capital of Cuba is Havana, Cuba. reference: google, 10:35 p.m. 12/7/2019. the International Airport of Cuba is Jose Marti International Airport. It is 9 miles southwest of Havana, Cuba. which is approximately 15 kilometers. 9 miles is approximately 15 kilometers. So developing Havana, Cuba with vertical buildings and welfare communities as well as a lot of clubs and partying is a thing to do.  there will have to economic inequalities, and economic inequities. and this must be done government to government . so the governments that must be involved are: 1. the government of Cuba 2. the Government of the United States of America 3. the government of Jamaica 4. the government of Canada

the reason why the mixed kids of Ireland, Germany , and Jamaica rule a world, at the least

1. because the mixed kids of ireland are perpetually ahead, 2. the mixed of germany always are perpetually the models 3. and the mixed kids of Kingston, Jamaica have to control contries on their own. 

An all star game in Orlando that I had played in with other stars of Orlando.

that game was the Orange County versus Seminole County All Star game.  it was a match for which we were selected for and trained for too.  Some of the soccer coaches of Orlando and of Florida, trained us during a tryout and more than one training session.  I made the team for the Orange County All Star team.  that was during the year of 1996 to 1997. And that All Star Match was played during 1997. The Orange County All Star team lost to the Seminole County All Star team I scored one goal during that match.  I scored the second goal for the Orange County All Star team during that match. Billy,  I think, his name might have been, scored the a goal for the Orange County All Star team, also, and he scored the a goal before me.  The Seminole County All Star team won that match 3 - 2.  It was a fun event. 

Elizabeth Warren and the presidency of the United States of America.

Elizabeth Warren has to quit her senate seat today so that she can become a president of the United States of America by 2020. The Women of the United States of America have long complained about their lack of opportunity to lead this country which they participated in creating and building, more than most other countries that currently exist on earth. Sure a woman has been apart of every country, to some extent, but, once country building and resource allocation became formalized in a reproducible manner that was compatible with maintaining and conserving life on earth, women had at least been taking leadership roles within their households, as well as companies, and corporations. The Democrats did well to nominate Hillary Rodham Clinton as a presidential candidate for the United States of America during 2015 to 2016. One of the reasons that Hillary Rodham Clinton did not win was because she was still trying to do too much instead of only focusing on still learning to lea...

An example of a conjoined twin is Manar.

watch the first 25 seconds of this video to see Manar and her 'parasitic' twin.  another variation of conjoined twin. This case is in Egypt. or in India:

History of Conjoined Twins

A 3000 year history of Conjoined Twins. a result of another google search of mine today:

Separation of Conjoined Twins and technology to separate them has improved drastically, but success rates of these procedures are still sub par.

references: 1. 2. I was watching youtube as usuals and organizing some videos in my youtube playlists.  I came across this video via youtubes assistive algorithms. And it has occurred to me that now neurosurgeons should have the technology as well as the ability to more reliably separate conjoined twins, even up until the ages of 18 to 21 years old, or even at the ages of 35 to 40 years old, dependant on the ability of the patients involved. So, the conjoined twins could be separated at infancy, or even wait until they are cognizant enough to choose to be separated. The surgical approach is to: 1. gain informed consent from those two patients, or more. 2. if informed consent is consented to by the patients, then proper evaluative studies of the patients must be done. 3. proper radiological studies must be done to document and map the entire vasculature of the patients ...

To Meghan Markle Mountenbatten

Meghan Markle Mountenbatten, you have earned a peg. A full presentation of yours uploaded to youtube on electrocardiogram with the essentials of cardiac anatomy and cardiac fisiology. done in the style of a video log. nine minute to fifteen minutes long. you must complete this task and presentation within 24 hours, and you must share it with the public in at least 1 way: 1. a private presentation on stage at a local pub 2. making it a public video on youtube. at least then i will get to watch. 3. presenting it to a country. Meghan Markle Mountenbattern, you should take about 1 month to prepare this presentation while organizing yourself to use about 24 hours in total to complete it properly using research methodological methods. but, you should be able to do this well within 1 week. and starting from now. and do not limit yourself to 24 hours of thinking and staring and wonderment. or wondering. ...

Vanessa Harris who attended Harvard Medical School, entering class of 2001.

Vanessa Harris can get William Mountenbatten and also Harry Mountenbatten too. I suggest that Harry Mountenbatten impregnate and unite with Vanessa Harris now. as in hurry up and get your date started and have sex together so that Harry and Vanessa Mountenbatten will have a child

time for a reign of Australia again via the Mountbattens, yet again, it seems , or this still a first.

So William Mountenbatten should now choose Izzy iggy Amesthyst Amelia Kelly as his second wife and have a child with her. and then next Izzy iggy Amesthyst Amelia Kelly can choose Harry Mountenbatten to have a child with him too, and then Izzy iggy Azlea kelly can choose Archie

time to save Celeste, her sisters and Obviously also Emily. of Emilytube, and their mother and father.

6:26 do you all realize that the girls for archie mountenbatten are die-ing off or dying as they keep entertaining them selves with things like youtube and filming themselvs too much, including celeste, celeste's middle sister, and celeste's youngest sister Emily. cancel Emily tube for a while so that Celeste and Emily can rest. they need the finest that earth can provide rather than recycled toys and things that are too tiring. Celeste, her middle sister, and Emily will recover with the proper assistance from proper fully liscened professionals rather than lay men and lay women. and lay animals. Celeste, her middle sister and Emily were one of the first infanitle vloggers and thus these three you ladies and young women, who are still babies, must and should be properly saved so that they can enjoy adulthood, even til the ages of 100 years of living or more. 100 years of living after each of their birth dates, or birth years. the other youtub...

time to stop killing yourselves for no reason at all.

so it is time for Archie Mountenbatten to meet all of these infantile, and youth stars and vloggers of youtube in granada. can you all get there with the assistance of your mothers and fathers and sisters and brothers and youtube. youtube will have some limited funds for this, likely. but who knows, maybe the royal courts can decide who will be paid for and who will suffer due to poor choices and poor parenting and poor schooling and limited resources. so please sleep and rest and stop killing yourselves with entertainment. good night. to each of you.

a link for some hostels that are worth it.

so a toilet paper story from after my birth

I was born in Mona. My father and mother used toilet paper already. I was potty trained. I used a lot of toilet paper to make sure to clean my ass well. but I did not use so much toilet paper because I did not want to clog a toilet. I always chose white toilet paper. Since the toilet paper roll has a tube in it, one day I decided to get to know my penis some more.  I was masturbating.  at the age of 11 years old or so.  rather than merely lying around naked in my robe. My first robe was red and I got that with my father and my mother and that was when I was three years old.  So I already knew my penis by then as the sunlight, even in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada still warmed my penis, even in the cold.  My maternal Grandmother Myra Ena, did take me out to sun bathe even on my Maternal Grandfather's farm, and that was in a delicate straw basket made for an infant or baby to rest in.  well padded with a soft lining of some sort.  A...

emily is not having fun. I am willing to spend some time with Emily. But her father must send her to me her in Boston during the summer .

summer is better for your health Emily. 

the father of emily is not doing a good job nor is the mother of emily

Hi Father of Emily and family of Emily. I do think that Emily is suffering this way and she just wants to enjoy a community of India like most indians.  if you want to discuss this further then contact me.  a site for emily tube is already defunct.

typi kelly you likely were blocking all of the little children who were adoring you and who were much younger than you.

typic kelly are you merely a german?

poland is killing off the arabic community.

protect yourselves

emilytube. To Emily of Emilytube. emily it is time to quit youtube and leave all of that money of what ever you got and what ever you will get from youtube in a bank account and just leave it alone. stop buying stupid shit like stupid toys. Go to bed and go to school and instead be a smart pupil. time for pre kindergarten. that socialization will do much more for you than playing house with your older sisters or even with your mother and father. You have done well compared to other toddlers. And your older sisters should quite youtube too, they are still too young. start to enjoy daycare and school and ask your teachers for assistance and help. I suggest catholic school for each of yous, and you, and you, and you. and sleeping will feel great. you will wake up , little princess.  but your parents might want to open up the windows once in a while for you so that you can breathe oxygen and aii and all of those essential respiratory things much m...

what is the acreage of brownstown, jamaica ?

People also ask Which parish is the largest in Jamaica? Saint Ann Saint Ann is the  largest parish  in  Jamaica . It is situated on the north coast of the island, in the county of Middlesex, roughly halfway between the eastern and western ends of the island. Saint Ann Parish - Wikipedia › wiki › Saint_Ann_Parish Search for:  Which parish is the largest in Jamaica?