Elizabeth Warren and the presidency of the United States of America.

Elizabeth Warren has to quit her senate seat today so that she can become a president of the United States of America by 2020.

The Women of the United States of America have long complained about their lack of opportunity to lead this country which they participated in creating and building, more than most other countries that currently exist on earth.

Sure a woman has been apart of every country, to some extent, but, once country building and resource allocation became formalized in a reproducible manner that was compatible with maintaining and conserving life on earth, women had at least been taking leadership roles within their households, as well as companies, and corporations.

The Democrats did well to nominate Hillary Rodham Clinton as a presidential candidate for the United States of America during 2015 to 2016.

One of the reasons that Hillary Rodham Clinton did not win was because she was still trying to do too much instead of only focusing on still learning to lead as a president, which, in this case requires military training, rather than merely being a civilian.

Elizabeth Warren still must go through the process of leading through example as a Women, and demostrate to the electorate that she can lead properly, rather than merely relying on the resources of the state of Massachusetts.

Elizabeth Warren is already 69 + years old.

So she is already prepared for retirement.

As a result, Sh must quit her seat of the Senate of the United States of America, today, and She must afterwards, continue to rest so that she can lead as a Woman and demostrate the leadership potential of a Woman as a president of the United States of America.

Elizabeth Warren still has much to learn, but she will not learn these things as a senator. She will learn much more and be more valuable to the United States of America and to all of the women desiring to achieve this goal and objective of being the Woman who is elected to be the first woman president of the United States of America ever.

Elizabeth Warren chose to start her presidential campaign, and thus at the least must demonstrate her that she is responsible enough to even be a president.

The only way that will happen is to sacrifice her seat in the senate, and to take the risk of losing in her senate seat as well as losing during her presidential campaign.

At least, in that way she will have more time and more time to rest to focus on leading the United States of America as a Woman and president.

Being a president of a country is much different to being a president of a company or corporation.

Other women who have done well and are already presidential are:

Meghan McCain,

Vanessa Kerry,

Jena Bush Hager,

No woman has ever been a president of the United States of America.

25 women are currently serving as senators of the United States of America, currently,

A total of 56 women have been elected as senators of the United States of America,

reference: https://www.senate.gov/senators/ListofWomenSenators.htm

Regarding the women who have been elected Govenors of states of the United States of America, a very important article that has some very important information in it is; https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_female_governors_in_the_United_States

Jamway Publishing.


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