virgin mary becoming pregnant with a fertilization of one of her ovaries

so the catholics let the women typically lead in this conversation, merely to cover up their own confusion.  the confusion of the men and women, and boys and girls who believed that a infant, (zygote)  could be conceived without sex. 

in this case sex was defined as original sin.

that was done in part to prevent many things at the least

1. as a man who was therefore a god knew that the seed of life was in sperm and woman, the others did not agree and also did not believe him.   I do not know the name of that first man.  although it is in novels and books that were in greco roman empires.   But that man knew and likely he or his son were able to take advantage of a lot of women and knew what to do.  the women were amazed and grateful that it became so easy to know.   he was a god because he knew something that no other man or woman knew.  the woman may have known that she felt something, but it took a time until vivid masturbation to have complete certainty for some. 

Meanwhile the Royals of Buckingham Palace already knew.  and were already having too many children, but at a time of great posterity.

2. incest was a nother reason for perpetuation of that lie.  this time to reduce the stress of wealth. the royals who built Buckingham Palace and the several of the other castles were serving those weaker than they, and that still continues. 

3  the moors and arabic invations also were another reason or pertuation of that lie.  in this case it was a game to select in and out the lame.  , but it was fun games for some and relaxation for others.  and still yet a bore for the rest. 

4. germs being transmitted due to over population of the lands.

5. The Lords decreasing the fears and anxieties of the children and progeny in case they are alone, or find themselves locked in a :

A. a tower
B. a room
C. a castle

or even

D. a building or structure the he or she made by him or herself. 

so as it is the Irish race when they perfected some of their abilities to build often some things were unknown still, and so, one might have built a stone room and did not realize that he or she needed a door,

And therefore built the room without a way out.

A lot of Irish still trap themselves.

The red caucasians realized to stop and instead observed the land.

The yellow caucasians they knew it was nonsense at times, but still often were not inside.

and yet some got trapped, and those were the scandinavians. 

so the irish races were racing against each other to build properly and also faster and faster.  and in that time some got trapped, but they perfected building and construction eventually. 

so, what I would have done to support George W. Bush, is to drop bombs over baghdad. 

but, I would not have killed Sadam Hussein. 

That was a loss of a leader. 

Yet that still perpetuates the wealth of Jamaica. 


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