a serious porn site is xvideos

as I have ventured more and more into pornografy and I have thoroughly enjoyed each step of my journey, I have realized that xvideos is one of the most serious and likely, the most popular porn sites in the world.

It is like the most popular site for pornografy, period.

I did not realize this until I started uploading several videos.

I had started on xhamster and then pornhub, and then thisvids, and more recently, xvideos.

The platform of xvideos is definitely more intricate and more detailed in many ways.  Especially with regard to thumbnail selection.  it tests my thumbnails for me and then selects the one, or ones that get the most views.  so the highest click through rates.  the most amounts of clicks and also the most amounts of views.  Something like that.

I had my first video to reach more thatn 11,000 views in 24 hours via xvideos.

It also places my videos on multiple porngrafic websites.

It is like a conglomerate.

Also, while I was watching and consuming a lot of pornografy, it occurred to me that the czech republic is like the center of porn for the entire world.  Some of the most hardcore group sex seems to occur in the Czech Republic, and they also have a lot glory holes houses, or at least one that puts out a lot of videos.  It is amazing.

I can't wait to go to a glory hole house and have sex with some strangers there.  just plunging into that pussy and ani.

So if is fitting that xvideos is headquartered in the czech republic.  It is registered to the czech company: WGCZ holding.  And, more specifically, it is headquartered in prague.

Well, that has changed my travel plans now.  Prague has made my list of places to go to before I die.

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Hospital

reference: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/XVideos

So, who is WGCZ holding?

the individuals behind wgcz holding are stephane michael pacaud and deborah malorie pacaud.  at the least these two own wgcz holding, which includes xvideos and xnxx, it seems.  xvidoes is headquarted in prague, and xnxx seems to have some registry components in hong kong.  sephane and deborah live in france, or at least have had an address there, it seems to me. 

It seems that they have yet to make accounts on linkedin, but here is a video that is likely showing a picture of stephane.  I am pretty sure that he is the guy on the right.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hjC0sK-dTws.


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