emilytube. To Emily of Emilytube.


emily it is time to quit youtube and leave all of that money of what ever you got and what ever you will get from youtube in a bank account and just leave it alone.

stop buying stupid shit like stupid toys.

Go to bed and go to school and instead be a smart pupil.

time for pre kindergarten.

that socialization will do much more for you than playing house with your older sisters or even with your mother and father.

You have done well compared to other toddlers.

And your older sisters should quite youtube too, they are still too young.

start to enjoy daycare and school and ask your teachers for assistance and help.

I suggest catholic school for each of yous, and you, and you, and you.

and sleeping will feel great.

you will wake up , little princess.  but your parents might want to open up the windows once in a while for you so that you can breathe oxygen and aii and all of those essential respiratory things much more easily.

do remember that breathing is rather passive most of the time.

maybe some swimming lessons with a certified swomming instructor.

and maybe choose a fun sport in the meantime.

Emily from Emilytube you may contact me if you want to.  my fone number is 617-697-0732.

Ask your parents, specifically your mother or your father, in this case you father might be preferable, and ask him to assist you in calling me.

he should even be holding the telefones for you,  but live on youtube via a camera is just a littel too much for you now.

instead rest and relax and start to ask about school.

from:  Adrian Dane Kenny.

I am a physician already.

maybe you all will even relocate to Boston, Massachusetts.

that is uber expensive though.

so maybe you will get here for college and or university.

Emily you need a fully liscenced psychiatrist who works with children such as you, since you are still a child.  a 2-3 -4 year old or so.  or 5-9 year old.  how ever old you are, you need a psychiatrist and with that a therapist.

you are too young to go through aushwietzergaden like that.  it will kill you.

you will be too stressed and you will die young unless you stop trying to appease to your older sisters and your mother and father.  I do not think that it is completely your father's fault in this case though.

your older sisters are still content to watch you die.

while that might be scary, it is a normal part of development of children and siblings, and even mothers and fathers. 

and so you really must just stop allowing anyone to film you, even if it is on youtube, or on the internet, or on any type of film.

you have done well as a child star, but in your case, being a child star is killing you quickly. 

you have failure to thrive.

Emily your current diagnosis is:  failure to thrive.

From:  Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.

And your sisters have delayed development already and none of you three realize it.  nor do your mother nor father/ 

Sincerely,  Adrian Dane Kenny.

And yours truly, Adrian Dane Kenny.

I am the one. always who knows what to do always for myself.  but be care ful cause without education you will die and be a homeless woman. 

love you dearly,

Adrian Dane Kenny. 



  1. rather than deleting those videos, just make them private videos until you mature and that means until you become a full adult. which is probably by the age of 30 years old. you might get ther by age 21 to 25 years old though.

    more importantly try do well with your schooling and take challenging courses. All A's if possible but comfortably so that you can still eat well. enough.

    rather than buyn hamberger toys, go out and drink whole milk, eat ice cream, eat jamaican beef patties. and cabbage, and oxtail and shrimp and fish, and fresh cod fish, and sea bass, and, rice and beans, and a burrito occasionally, and taco bell, and tell your father to go back to work and tell your mother to go back to work and try to regain their careers even if they have horrible jobs, and then no more wasting of your mother's and father's resources during the mean time.

    instead, go and hug up your mother and your father and lay in bed with them in and at comfortable times.
    take a break from the computers.

    are you in a school now?

    move on from home schooling.

    home schooling is a waste of time.

    it is more fun to go out into the world and a community and find friends and acquaintances.

    talk to strangers and ask them what ever you can.

    select a book to read. select a novel. ask your parents what does this mean.

    Emily you should just be eating and continuing to wonder about all of the fascinations of the Earth and Universe.

    and find a boy friend.

    maybe a family friend who is a boy to hang out with and date or something.

    or find your cousins.

    Emily, you are poor.

    nothing to be ashamed of,

    but you have managed to be born and not to die. yet

    so why tire yourself out .

    you can have a very long life. if you want to. or at least a more enjoyable life by resting and not stressing out.

    maybe go to a shriners hospital with you mother,,father, and oldest sister and middle sister, and meet patients who have been stressed to the point of genetic mutations that will not be undone ever.


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