Draco Malfoi

Draco Malfoi has taken over.

a irish german white caucasian is he.

trump won a second term and is now leaving office.

simultaneously, the americans have given into the irish and the germans.

they have given complete military control to the chancellor of germany, Draco Malfoi.

Draco watched a video of adrian dane kenny, M.D., and was utterly convinced with the racial differences of humans and the lack of need of any black skinned bipedal organism.

No need for a gorilla or the gorilla derivatives.

No need for another nigger.

Draco put into place policies to feed the impoverished white kids the meat of the left over animals with black skin, and to use them as feed for other animals.  And to create a utopia of white lust free of blackness, for the first time in history.  He even considered going after the bats and the black skinn snakes too.

He devised a plan to start in south africa and murder each of the remaining western and eastern gorillas while travelling due north through the congo.  Murdering the remaining 200,000 western gorillas, and the remaining 6,000 eastern gorillas.  Walking slowly toard the north and gunning down each one in sight and each one hidden in the caves and the congo.  That was the first wave.

He then devised a second component to his plan to decimate the remaining black skinnned species of hominids and apes.  He decided next it would be starting in South Africa again to murder all of the bonobos.  All of the remaining 10,000 bonobos.  This would be a relaxing break from the first wave of killings of 206,000 apes.

And then he decided to kill off the remaining niggers in this same process.  With the niggers, he had constructed a variety of cement huts for collecting and storing their remains.

Rather than feeding these creatures to the other animals by grinding them up and placing them in hog, horse and cattle feed, he decided it would be easier to leave them in these huts and let them decay naturally.  The animals that wanted to feed of them would find them via the feromones and other chemoattractants that would eventually disseminate via the wind.

The majority of the niggers just relied on prayer and the bible, another gift of the white man.  There were some who fought back, but they did not have the technology of the white man, nor did they invent it or devise it, or truly know how to create it.  These managed to injure some of their caucasian counterparts, but lost to the caucasian companions who riddled them with bullets and lynched their necks with sabres.  The arabs had joined into and maintained a pressure from north africa, not allowing any of the niggers north of the sahara.

This was the third wave, to kill off the remaining 1 billion niggers.  black skinned humans that are genetically more similar to gorillas as compared to the chinese or caucasians.  To accomplish this feat, he had to enlist the assistance of the 4.5 billion asians, especially the chinese, the indians, and the japanese and koreans.

For that reason he left the chimpanzees til the end.  the chimpanzees come in more of an assortment of colors, some with lighter, whiter skin and others with darker, blacker skin.  So the forth wave was sorting through the colors of chimpanzees and killing and skinning the black skinned chimps.  He found that 70% of chimpanzees had black skinned, while only 30% had a lighter, whiter skin color.

He saved that 30% from death and kept them to inbreed with the poor white kids of the slums and ghettos.  Genetic engineering of the white skinned remaining apes. 

As for the orangutans.  This group remained unclear as to what to do, as their hair is often orange, and their skin colors range from a lighter color to a darker and even a blacker color.  He waited and proded these animals and used them for experiments during the meantime.  He may separate the black skin faced orangutans from the ones with lighter colors, and will likely kill these off too, but that is where the story continues.  Sumatran orangutan 6,667, Bornean orangutan 61,234, and Tapanuli orangutan 800.

Draco Malfoi succeeded in the tasks that hitler set out to do, and that trump and johnson have both failed at.  

And instead Draco Malfoi picked up where the belgians and the germans had left off during the early 1800's and 1900's.  He continued the legacy of leopold and adolf.  and the others who have followed in those footsteps.  

yours truly, 
Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Hospital

a fictional truth.
a fictional account
a fictional story for me and you. 


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