Separation of Conjoined Twins and technology to separate them has improved drastically, but success rates of these procedures are still sub par.
references: 1. 2. I was watching youtube as usuals and organizing some videos in my youtube playlists. I came across this video via youtubes assistive algorithms. And it has occurred to me that now neurosurgeons should have the technology as well as the ability to more reliably separate conjoined twins, even up until the ages of 18 to 21 years old, or even at the ages of 35 to 40 years old, dependant on the ability of the patients involved. So, the conjoined twins could be separated at infancy, or even wait until they are cognizant enough to choose to be separated. The surgical approach is to: 1. gain informed consent from those two patients, or more. 2. if informed consent is consented to by the patients, then proper evaluative studies of the patients must be done. 3. proper radiological studies must be done to document and map the entire vasculature of the patients ...