Chapter 38 from my novel titled Me. A conversation on race between Xavier Washington and me, Adrian Dane Kenny, via the youtube commentary system.

Chapter 38 A conversation on race between Xavier Washington and me, Adrian Dane Kenny, via the youtube commentary system: This guy named Xavier Washington, has been quite helpful with his insistance to display what he knows based on the anthropologists, and possibly, his wishful thinking. He commented on one of my comments on a video on youtube. The video can be found at this link: I am adding some links so he can easily find the data and articles that I have realized are absolute. No two's about it. I am going to include that internet conversation here. It is important, as I am sure many readers are confused or misinformed about this. Apparently, even the anthropologists are confused. Nina Jablonski, might be confused, and Sarah Tishkoff might be confused, and even some of the men too. I just do not know exactly ...