So what are some of the differences between a white person, a brown person, and a black person.

So what are some of the differences between a white person, a brown person, and a black person.

A white caucasian tends to have blonde, ginger, auburn, or brown hair.  Their irises tend to be blue, grey, green, or for some maybe hazel.  They have white skin.  Fitzpatrick I classification.  Their skin burns when exposed to sunlight.  Their nipples and areoli are pinkish white.  For women, their labia majora are white.  And their labia minora are pinkish white.  For men, then scrotum are still white.  And their anuses are pinkish white.
A brown person tends to have black hair.  Some may have brown or brunette.  Their irises tend to be hazel or light brown.  They have a shade of brown in their skin: yellowing, orangy, olive, red, brown.  They are Fitzpatrick classifications II to V.  Their skin tans when exposed to sunlight.  Their nipples and areoli are brown.  For women their labia majora are a lighter brown, and their labia minora are usually a darker brown.  For men, their scrotum are a shade of brown.  And their anuses are brown too, usually a little darker than their skin color. 

A black person has black hair.  Their irises are dark brown and sometimes nearly black, or maybe even black.  They have black skin.  They are Fitzpatrick classification VI.  Their skin does not really darken much in the sun, or tan, persay.  Their nipples and areoli are black.  For women their labia majora are black.  And their labia minora are also black.  For men, their scrotum are black.  And their anuses are black, too. 
Those are some of the real differences. 

Beyond that it would seem that their should be differences in brain size, which I think is true.  I am actually quite sure that it is indeed true, with the whites having the largest brains, the brown having a mid-size brain, and the blacks having the smallest brains.  Some of this would have to be normalized and standardized for variation within each race to ascertain properly. 

And there should also discrete differences in the neuroanatomy of the humans from different races.  I am not exactly sure, at this point in time, what these differences will be, but I could figure it out from first principles, and the fundamentals, and then go and test it to see if I can locate enough evidence from brain scans and autopsies to verify this beyond a reasonable doubt. 

There are definitely differences in the skeletal structures of humans from different races.  This has been documented already.  And there is a doctor who teaches this in kentucky.  I referred to her in one of my earlier novels and included some information from her class. 


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