Atheists can pray too.

Atheists can pray too.

Atheists can actually pray.  I find that I still fall into prayer, but I no longer focus on god, I focus on myself and the actual things that I can do.  I take time to rest my brain in a form of prayer, where I just release my thoughts and clear my mind.  It just occurs naturally since I grew up catholic and using multiple forms of prayer. 

Prayer still can have a positive effect on the brain and body, in part, because it can be calming.  Even without the delusions of a god. 

I do not do it often.  Only when it occurs without me thinking about it or planning to do it.  I just end up putting my head down, clasping my hands, and often, closing my eyelids and then resting in a prayerful position, as my thoughts dissipate and I sit in solitude, serenity, peace, and calmness.  Still and unconcerned about completing anything, other than merely enjoying the solitude and peace. 


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