regarding the upcoming elections for the president of the united states of america this November 4, 2019, Tuesday, and the nominations of the candidates for the republican party and the democratic party

Here what I suggest and what I know that will work and is very important for everyone and the Women and the Men.  :

1 .  the nominee for the democratic party of the united states of america presidential candidate is Elizabeth Warren.

for the republicans:

the contenders are:

1. President Donald John Trump
2. Michael Pence
3. Herman Cain
4. Kanye West  ( in this case be a nigger and take a break from the democrats as Elizabeth Warren must practice and realize that she has a little bit of faulty logic at the least.  just a little bit).  Either way can she even win ?)

do you all want the first woman president of the United States of America ?

Do you all want the incumbent, President Donald John Trump ?

Do you all want Michael Pence to be president instead ?

Or You do want the first blackest pure breed nigger 6 Herman Cain and the blackest president of the United States of America ever ?

Or even Kanye West ?

And Kanye West you are a Thomas Bernard Fitzpatrick VI  nigger 6 a pure bread black nigger.  you kids are nigger 4.  which are clines. 

I am a cline too. 

19:20 wednesday 6 november 2019


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