i am an omnivore. there is no doubt about it.

i definitely enjoy meat and eat it in a healthy manner.  small quantities, especially if you do not know what you are doing.

but I also enjoy eating plants and fungi. 

I am slowly incorporating more and more plants into my diets and nutrition.

I also even enjoy eating bacteria in yogurts. 

sugar was killing me though.

and I was eating a little bit too much fat. 

pre-diabetes mellitus type 2
diabetes mellitus type 2
sugar induced gastroparesis
sugar addiction
sugar cravings
sugar withdrawal
too many glazed donuts, for instance.  that is just one example. 

sugar in tea. 
sugar in coffee
sugar in baked goods.
artificial sweetners
brown sugar
granulated sugar.

raw sugar

insulin desensitivity
insulin insensitivity
insulin resistance

beta cells

insulin and its interactions with the other organs beyond the pancreas of a body of a human.

sugar in ice cream.

pour the oils on your body if you want to enjoy oil.  rather than eating it.  put it in cars.
fatty streaks
atherosclerotic plaques
a plaque bursts
myocardial infarction
ischemic heart disease
ischemic stroke if it is in the brain.  or a brain. 
peripheral arterial disease.
erectile dysfunction

people take it oh, so much more seriously when you teach about the penis and the pussy.

renal artery stenosis.

etcetera etcetera. 

adrian dane kenny, m.d.
jamway hospital


  1. 'listen' to your body. a common saying that can be helpful. ...


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