some references for nutritional medicine, nutritional psychiatry, and nutritional surgery book.

iodine in salt and thyroid diseases.  exogenous intake of iodine through iodine supplementation and effects on thyroid

christin parsons md, pradyumna agasthi md, farouk mookadam mbbch, reza arsanjani md.  reversal of coronary atherosclerosis: role of life style and medical management.  trends in cardiovascular medicine.  volume 28, issue 8, november 2018.  pages 524-531.

nutrition and 
reversal of:
type 2 diabetes
prostate cancer

prevention of:
disease of the heart
malignant neoplasms
chronic lower respiratory disease (emphysema)?
cerebrovascular disease (stroke)
alzeihmer's disease ?
diabetes mellitus type 2
nephritis, nephrotic syndrome (kidney failure)
influenza and pneumonia ?
intentional self-harm?
septicemia (blood infection) ?
chronic liver disease and cirrhosis ?
essential hypertension
parkinsons disease ?

chronic inflammation on a meat based diet versus a plant based diet.

start date:  just before 15 october 2019.  1-3 days before.  or up to 5 days before.

and there is much more.....


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