so it is my pelvic muscles that are the source of my low back pain and discomfort. my lumbar strain.

i never really ever focused on my pelvic muscles.

I did not really know much anatomy at all.

I just knew of a few muscles that my mother mentioned to me like my quadriceps.  she also mentioned thigh muscles.

and then some from soccer, like my abdominals and leg muscles.

and some from working out such as my pectoral muscles and arms, and biceps and triceps, and fore arms, and latissimus dorsi, and obliques.  that was it.

you would think, and I think too, that since my mother is a physical therapist, she would have taught me properly about the muscles and the musculoskeletal system.  She did not regarding the specifics of anatomy.  I did learn other things from her though.

and since is my father is a respiratory therapist, you might think that he would have taught me about the lungs and the respiratory system and pulmonary system.  He did not.  I learned some other things though.

I pretty much had to learn on my own and from teachers.   I never paid for tutoring.  I have taken 2 review courses in my entire life though.

So needless, to say learning medicine was not so easy. but I am getting there.

Now I will start learning about my pelvic muscles so that I can properly understand my discomfort of my lower back.  and pelvis.

I am continuing to proper muscle conditioning so that I can superiorize my health and recover from all of my athletic training.  but I chose to wait until my nutrition was superior and I understood enough to prepare food for myself that is superior nutrition rather than eating poor food and trying to exercise it off and get the body that I want.

I have always had a great body but I had to work hard for it.  Now I am working smart and intelligently for my health and my body too.

query in google: pelvic floor muscles
result: mainly links and images to and of pelvic floor muscles.
what they taught during medicals school.

query: muscles that attach to the pelvis

That blog post article is an overview of the muscles of the pelvis. For more complete coverage of the structure and function of the low back and pelvis, The Muscular System Manual – The Skeletal Muscles of the Human Body, 4th ed. (2017, Elsevier) should be consulted.

the three major categories of the muscles of a pelvis are:
1. Muscles that attach from the pelvis to the trunk and cross the lumbosacral joint
2. Muscles that attach from the pelvis to the thigh/leg and cross the hip joint
3. Pelvic floor muscles that are located wholly within the pelvis

so here is one diagram that is an okay start:

Medial and superior views of the muscles of the pelvic floor

there is much more to know, though even just about a pelvis. 

that is it for now, as I have many other things to accomplish today. 

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Hospital


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