i am in ketosis again

11:56 friday 25 october 2019 -  i wrote this: 'I am in ketosis again'.

and right now I am also in ketosis again.  in part it feels like psychosis.

but I am so used to it now and aware of it that i know what to do.

I had thinking like this during my soccer matches, but I was focused on scoring goals.

now it is prolonged because I am still overweight, but have realized that this ketosis is not a signal of hunger.  it is rather a signal of fat metabolism.  and I still have plenty of fat on my body, as my bmi is about 30 kg/m2, and my body fat percentage is in the thirties too, or so.

I know this overweightness at this level, even for athletes, and also this minor obesity, is still very unhealthy.  i could feel the effects on my heart and even felt some minor angina.  but now that my nutrition is superiorized and my exercise is focused on cardio as well as some other training for fun and for muscle conditioning, as well as brain and cognitive conditioning, I am feeling and focusing way much better than even 6 months ago, or 1 year ago.

also, I took a break cause I wanted to write and publish my own novels without any distractions and without any further assistance from anyone.

I have done that now.  And I have completed more than 50 novels.

21 are already published.

I will publish the rest soon.

my body mass index today is 30.4.

even if my weight does not continue to decrease, I will continue to eat healthily and I will continue to do at least a minimum amount of exercise.  I no want to exhaust myself from most things, including exercise.  but I do want to be healthy for a long time.

adrian dane kenny, m.d.
jamway hospital

at 11:58 friday 25 october 2019.  I put a potato and butternut squash in the oven.  the baby squash is done and it is 12:18.  approximately 20 minutes of heating time.  one medium size potato ready at 12:32.  so 34  minutes. 


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