an assessment of gigi buffon based on what I know. adk, m.d. typed on youtube by me. adk, m.d.

gigi buffon this is a pseudo depression and hypo-depression of footballers. after all the years of training that you have done and the injury and damage to your body. you are exhausted and wounded. the rest of your body can no longer keep up with your brain, especially your muscles. this happened to me. and I am sure it happens to all professional footballers on some level. professional footballers and soccer professionals.

the cure is simple, but it can not undo the irreversible damage that you have done to your body and that others have done to you. so it will not reverse all of that irreversible damage.

you must take care of your health superiorly now.

nutrition is the key to health. superior nutrition is a must. if you already have superior nutrition, then you might want a break and eat some delicacies that you forwent for your health. this does increase some enjoyment for some people. but continue to monitor your weight. a weight gain of 5 to 15 pounds is significant and should be taken very seriously to prevent over-weightness and obesity. and all of the comorbidities of obesity.

second, during this time you must sleep as much as you want to. this will enable your body to recover. do not even get out of bed until you want to eat something to have to go to a bathroom to pee or poo. eventually you will regain your restful disposition and learn to sleep enough with less stress.

third, continue your activities of daily living. include cooking and preparing food. try not to use much salt, or sugar, or oil. you might need a little bit more fat for your body to feel mor comfortable, though. more than the average person since you have trained so much at soccer-football and expended so much energy.

four, fun and enjoyment. find things to do that you want to do that are fun and enjoying for you.

five, leisure. always include time for leisure.

six. stress reduction. physical therapy will help you with this, as your body formed as a soccer player and now you must know how to relax as a human and to balance out all of your muscles to relax in totality.

seven, stress management. this will help you going forward.

eight, low intensity exercise for now. do take care of your heart and cardiovascular system at the least. as well as stretch, and yoga, and naked yoga, and gentle yoga, and meditate. and rest.

nine. enjoy social engagements

ten , sex.

this is all that you will really need.

if you do ever feel suicidal, or think of suicide for yourself. then reach out to other social and professional supports. keep connecting with people, with other humans and that is usually enough. and you can write and journal.

after all that, find another passion, or regain your old passions.

pseudo-depression of a footballer.

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Hospital


  1. i agree. you must always be true to yourself in every way. that is key to an excellent life.


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