alvaro part 2.

alvaro corresponded with me via text messaging a while ago. 

alvaro is a doctor. 

here is that correspondence:

alvaro is a physician.

a lot of doctors and physicians behave this way when they are not getting their way.  they blame other humans for acting in a way that is harming to themselves using some societal rules that are some bogus shit.  for me anyway.  good luck you assholes. 

they use this type of shit to justify medicating people and they try to demonstrate some convicing arguments using things that might as well be some mini monte carlo analysis of behavior. 

yeah, that is great to know.  and that is why I am not stupid psychiatrist.  not that the patients of psychiatry are easy all of the time, but most of them are never a problem for anyone or even themselves.  they are just aushwietzergaden, but they can not figure the way out to something else more fun and enjoyable and productive all of the time.  and so they are stuck. 

it is not the medication.

the medication is a confounder.

the self-report analyisis is bogus.  it merely documents perspective and perception.  without proper education and knowledge it can be close to meaning less other than self-identity. 

so doctors prey on this. 

I am not a patient.

I know that I am surgeon, but I have not completed enough training to legally operate. 
And rightfully so, because I am just getting to the point of enough knowledge to consider starting training in general surgery.

but I know alot of things beyond merely human bodies and operative technique and surgical history.

And I am not completely done with applying all of my knowledge to other things yet. 



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