Traditional alternative medicine.

Traditional alternative medicine may include:
  • Acupuncture.
  • Ayurveda.
  • Homeopathy.
  • Naturopathy.
  • Chinese or Oriental medicine.

I am not for acupuncture.
Ayurveda is a system of medicine with historical roots in the Indian subcontinent. Globalized and modernized practices derived from Ayurveda traditions are a type of alternative medicine.

  1. the traditional Hindu system of medicine, which is based on the idea of balance in bodily systems and uses diet, herbal treatment, and yogic breathing.

I am all about ayurveda.  but specifically the nutritional benefits and the yoga.

I already know that there is no soul.
the use of the word mind is very ambiguous too, in that it really should just refer to one's brain, which is a part of neurology and pscyhiatry in terms of areas of study. and also neuroscience.  
often people seem to refer to the soul as part of the mind.  neither are important or are real in that regard.  

it is the brain that is important, and consciousness.  and aushwietzergaden, and self-actualization.  and enlightenment.  and knowing reality.  cause there really is a reality.  then there are also perspectives.  

Homeopathy or homœopathy is a system of alternative medicine created in 1796 by Samuel Hahnemann, based on his doctrine of like cures like, a claim that a substance that causes the symptoms of a disease in healthy people would cure similar symptoms in sick people.  

  1. the treatment of disease by minute doses of natural substances that in a healthy person would produce symptoms of disease.

I am not really for homeopathy either.
in some ways this is kind of like chemotherapy.  using a substance that is toxic to try to treat a disease.  I am not really for that either.  

Naturopathy or naturopathic medicine is a form of alternative medicine that employs an array of pseudoscientific practices branded as "natural", "non-invasive", and as promoting "self-healing". The ideology and methods of naturopathy are based on vitalism and folk medicine, rather than evidence-based medicine.[1] Naturopathic practitioners generally recommend against following modern medical practices, including but not limited to medical testingdrugsvaccinations, and surgery.[2][3][4][5] Instead, naturopathic study and practice rely on unscientific notions, often leading naturopaths to diagnoses and treatments that have no factual merit.[6][7]

I am not particulary for naturopathy either.
there is some overlap in my style of medicine with naturopathy, but not to the extreme points of naturopathics.  I know that we should use all of the benefits of all forms of medicine and surgery and healthcare, but I do also know that preventing the utilization of invasive medicine and surgery is quite an honorable cause and is very important and actually helps one, and other people, other humans, and other animals, superiorize their health, quality of living, wellness, and wealth.  So I do not promote the type of living that put people in harms way and leads to utilization of invasive psychiatric, medical, surgical and other healthcare procedures.  that stuff, just is not worth.  calculated risk is much better.  and non-invasive forms of health and healthcare is the way to go.  

  1. a system of alternative medicine based on the theory that diseases can be successfully treated or prevented without the use of drugs, by techniques such as control of diet, exercise, and massage.

as far as this definition of naturopathy what I like about it, and agree with for most people, is that diseases can be prevented without the use of drugs, and instead by nutrition, low intensity exercise, and even assisted with things like massage and relaxation.  I do agree with that sentiment.  and that knowledge.  and I know that is the superior way.

the only exceptions are for those who are born with congenital disease that are not preventable, and those who develop diseases as a result of their genetic predisposition.  Some examples are cleft lip and palate, cystic fibrosis, and bicuspid aortic valves.  

Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a branch of traditional medicine that is purported to be based on more than 3,500 years of Chinese medical practice that includes various forms of herbal medicineacupuncturecupping therapygua shamassage (tui na)bonesetter (die-da)exercise (qigong), and dietary therapy,[1] but recently also influenced by modern Western medicine. TCM is widely used in Sinosphere[1][2][3][4] where it has a long history, and in later years it is also increasingly practiced across the globe.[1][5] One of the basic tenets of TCM is that the body's vital energy (ch'i or qi), which is not a scientifically verified phenomenon, is supposedly circulating through channels, called meridians, that are claimed to have branches connected to bodily organs and functions."[6] Concepts of the body and of disease used in TCM reflect its ancient origins and its emphasis on dynamic processes over material structure, similar to European humoral theory.[7]

I do agree with alot of what I know about chinese medicine.  but I do not agree with using acupuncture for anything, or moxibustion, cupping, and gua sha, either.  for that matter.  
so acupuncture, moxibustion, also known as cupping, and gua sha, all are just damaging to a person's body.  they should no longer be used as any serious form of medicine. 
bone setting on the other hand still has some validity to it, but I am quite sure that much of the valid techniques of bone setting are already incorporated into orthopaedics.  so it is not really necessary as a independent for of medicine or body manipulation.  it is likely also already understood by chiropractors.  it is more historical than anything else.  

Also, I know there is not any validity to the meridiens.  It is likely though that the concept of meridiens might have assisted in eventually understanding the nerves, and the nervous system.  but those lines really are not valid.  so the meridiens and channels of chinese medicine are mostly invalid, if not completely invalid.

most of this stuff is just for fun now.  but the nutrition and relaxation parts are helpful.

adrian dane kenny, m.d.
jamway hospital


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