part of the reason why i left medicine and surgery and focused on wellness.

part of the reason why i left medicine and surgery and focused on wellness is because i had poor nutrition.

when i sat in classes during medical school at harvard and also when I was on the wards at the massachusetts general hospital, brigham and women's hospital, and beth israel deaconess medical center, as well as cambridge hospital, I realized that my nutrition was poor.

during classes, during the first two years, the words that I heard that were associated with myocardial infarction, hypertension, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus, hepatitis, liver diseases, obesity, and likely some other diseases were things that I had in my life, on some level.  I was not the worst ever, nutritionally, but my nutrition was poor, no doubt.

I was a high performing athlete with some accomplishments.  I had been recruited to play soccer collegiately, and I also did train with the under 20 national men's soccer team of jamaica. 

On the wards, I saw patients who otherwise seemed healthy to me, maybe just a little bit over weight, but they were still having myocardial infarctions and were having morbidities as a result of their nutritional habits. 

The stress of working in healthcare, especially as a doctor or surgeon just kept seeming to be too much for my nutritional preferences and habits.  And the more stressed I was getting, the worse I was eating.

So, I quit.

I was fired for not even following through anymore, but I really had already quit.  I just did not tell anyone.

I was too stressed to exercise to maintain my physique, and my nutritional habits were too poor to maintain my physique.

I then eventually returned to boston and started to test my hypotheses about my health.  First and foremostly, was nutrition more important than exercise, or were they equivalently important. 

for me, nutrition is more important than exercise, but exercise does have it's place too. 

I will likely go through a period of vegetarianism soon enough. 

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Conglomerate. 


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