jamway hospital. an internet hospital. adrian dane kenny, m.d.

jamway hospital is an internet hospital.

it primarily operates via the internet.

jamway and I focus on assisting humans and patients to superiorize their health literacy, nutrition, daily activities, and exercise in order to maximize their health, quality of living, longevity, and performance.

the main approach of jamway hospital is to increase the health literacy of clients, patients, and any human, with a primary focus on nutrition, sleep, daily activities of living, low intensity exercise, and stress reduction.

Nutrition is the key to health, quality of living, performance, and longevity.

Next is sleep.

And then activities of daily living.

Then stress reduction.

And lastly the incorporation of healthy low intensity exercise habits.

After that is fun and then enjoyable living performance.

I assist humans to maintain and improve their health.

I assist humans to learn how to avoid and prevent disease, especially chronic diseases, as well as acute injuries and conditions.

I assist patients to reduce the burden of their current disease by supporting them and educating them on how to improve their nutrition, dietary habits, sleeping habits, activities of daily living, stress reduction, and exercise habits.

This approach to life can reduce your reliance on the health care system, on doctors, and on injurious and invasive diagnostic tests, as well as injurious medications and treatments which all have side effects and toxicities.

This approach to life can reduce the amount of doctor visits that you require.

This approach to medicine will improve your ability to communicate with your primary care doctor, and with specialists, which can improve your health.

This approach to medicine, surgery, psychiatry, and health care in general is most likely to improve your health, maximize your health, optimize your health, superiorize your quality of living, and maximize your longevity.

jamway hospital does not provide emergency care for acute problems.  For that, you must go to an emergency room of a brick and mortar hospital as that can be life saving too, when indicated.

jamway hospital does assist healthy humans to remain healthy and to learn to avoid and prevent disease and chronic conditions.

jamway hospital also assists current patients in reducing their burden of disease from hypertension, diabetes mellitus type 2, atherosclerosis, hypercholesterolemia, dyslipidemia, metabolic syndrome, gastroesophageal reflux disorder, osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, obesity, mental health diagnoses, and other diseases, conditions, and syndromes.

jamway hospital assists in preventing cancer of all types, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

This is evidence based medicine focused on maximizing health, quality of life, and performance, and focused on preventing disease, and also focused on reducing the burden of disease through healthy living, education, health literacy, knowledge, and healthy behaviors.

My charges for this service are:

$75.00 us dollars for an initial consultation of up to 1 hour in length.

After that initial hour each charge is $100.00 us dollars per hour.

Payment for each of my services is always before any of my services are provided.

I am jamway hospital do not provide any privacy or confidentiality to clients, patients, or any human.  I and jamway hospital also do not maintain any records or documents on the behalf of clients, patients, or any humans.


Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Hospital.


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