
so, indigestion is also known as dyspepsia.

I still get some bloating, or a feeling of fullness and some burping.  I no longer have any gerd, and I know what will trigger gerd in my body.

I really do not have pain. or gi pain.
I do not have heartburn,  which is acid reflux and therefore is gerd.

indigestion is associated with gerd, ulcers and gallbladder disease.


bloating and gas are usually tied to what you eat and how you eat.  (I persay)

three common causes of bloating are:
1. overeating.  which I often still do.
2. eating rich and fatty food.  fat takes longer to digest than protein or carbohydrates, so it keeps the stomach full longer.  I do eat a lot of cheese still, and milk too.  ice cream also.  so maybe I should  eat smaller portions of these things when I am indulging.
3. eating too fast adds to the risk of bloating after a meal.  I have always been a fast eater.  I enjoy eating fast, unfortunately.

the second most common cause of bloating is gassiness in the abdomen.  half of the gas in the gi system is swallowed air, and the rest is produced by bacteria in the gut that help digest food.  if the gi tract does not move it through efficiently then gas will build up in the intestines and cause bloating and discomfort. 

other behaviors that increase the amount of gas that a person swallows are:
1. drinking through a straw.
2. chewing gum.
3. guzzling carbonated beverages.  drinking carbonated beverages actually relieves my gas and causes me to burp.
4. sucking on hard candy.

some foods are associated with more gas production too.

bloating is rarely a symptom of serious trouble. For most people, the most effective prescription for bloating is simple: control portion sizes, go easy on fats, and eat slowly enough to give your body time to signal when you’ve had enough. These sensible remedies should keep you from feeling overstuffed and bloated.

carbonated beverages and swallowing air are the most common reasons people burp. 

burping is associated with:
chewing gum
eating too quickly*
sucking on hard candies
having dentures that do not fit right. 
eating foods with a lot of fat or oil. 

burping as many as four times after a meal is normal. 

illnesses that are associated with increased amounts of burping are:
gastroesophageal reflux disease
helicobacter pylori
irritable bowel syndrome

a little bit of walking can also assist with dyspepsia. 

so eat smaller portions, do not over eat fats and oils, and eat a slower rate.  a comfortable walk after a meal or during indigestion can assist in relieving the gas, too.   functional dyspepsia. 


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