how long has it taken me to start maximizing my nutrition?

how long has it taken me to start maximizing my nutrition?

well, really, i have been working on this my entire life, so then that means it has taken 40 years to get to this point of really beginning to understand nutrition and health.

But, it was not until my 30's when I really shifted from exercise and nutrition to only focusing on nutrition.

what I found is that nutritions makes the biggest difference for my health.

the second factor is sleeping as much as I want to.

and the third factor is daily activities and exercise.

So, it has taken about 5 to 10 years to really find and learn the nutritional habits that will maximize my health and longevity and superiorize and optimize my life.

this provides the highest quality of living possible.

no matter what you do, this will enhance it.

superior nutrition enhances the life of any human.  and so nutrition is the most important thing for humanity.

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Hospital


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