brian in 312

brian is 47 years old.

he was homeless at one point in his life.

he worked as an accountant for ten years here in boston.

he quit his last job as it was not working for him.  he also ended up in that job because he did not pass his cpa exam. 

he uses crystal meth now.

he gets about 2100 a month.  and rent is about 600 for him. 

he has money overall.

he should get a passport and travel.

or go to hedonism. 

he also uses marijuana, and has done exstasy in the past.

he said that exstacy felt great.  he liked it. 

I would not mind trying exstacy.  mdma. 

I am not sure if I will, though. 

He stripped naked again in front of me.

I asked him if I can measure his penis.  He said yes. 

adk, m.d.


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