The realities of the races of humans. Race is real, biological, genetically encoded and a result of evolution and evolutionary differences.

Growing up, I had some confusions around the topic of race.  I saw people of different skin colors, yet I was educated that all men are created equal and that humans are all the same overall.  This is not true.

Race is a part of biological diversity.

There are really three races of humans: 1. white caucasian.  2. brown asian.  and 3. black african.

These three races of humans, which can be referred to as clines, are a result of migratory differences between humans, thus subjecting them to different climates of the planet earth.

The key factors are that:
1.  the white caucasian race of humans made it to the British Isles.  That evolutionary factor and cognitive difference is how that group of humans became white skinned humans with other defining factors.

2. the brown asian race of humans made it to east asia and settled there, as well as walking to other parts of the planet earth, with some less developed living structures.  This includes the humans who walked to the americas via the eastern migration routes and settled in the americas.  groups such as the incas, the aztecs, and the other native americans.  and some carribeaners. these cognitive differences, in part, led to the evolution of the brown asian race.

3. the black african race of humans remained in sub-saharan africa.  The cognitive differences of these humans led them to choose to, or to for whatever reason, remain in sub sahara africa, among the congo.  these are the congoids.  These differences in cognition and cognitive abilities led to the evolution of the black race of humans. 

Differences in the evolution of different populations of humans led to the development of race. 

Race is a biological phenomenon and is a result of evolutionary differences that have become encoded in our genes, and is hereditary. 

Jean Phillipe Rushton documented quite abit about this.  So did Stoddard, and Steven Coon.  I do not know if Charles Darwin or Lamarck wrote about the races of humans specifically and the evolutionary basis of race.  But I do know that there is a evolutionary basis of race and it is genetically encoded in humans, it is a part of the diversity of the human species.  Race may be referred to as a cline factor.  And, race is hereditary. 

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Hospital


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