the death of abigail at the Copley Garrison Hotel

Abigail is girl who I met on tinder.

She is a mexican girl who lived in texas but was in boston for a conference.  She was staying at a posh small cliche bed and breakfast type of hotel here in my neighborhood of back bay.  just across from the prudential center. 

This was my fastest tinder fuck ever.

We matched around 9 pm or so and had made plans to meet at her hotel room in the Copley Garrisson, by 11 pm.  She asked one key question.  "How do I know that you are not going to kill me?"  She texted that to me.  I reassured her that I have a lot to live for and that I am a doctor. 

I went over in the drizzling rain, carrying my umbrella.  a short walk it was.

She answered her phone and then came down to meet me.

I was pleasantly suprised that she was not apart of the iceberg effect.

We walked up the stairs to her room as I kept the conversation going. 

She unzipped my pants and got right to my cock and starting licking and sucking it.  She was cock starved, it seemed.  She was single.  and had been for years, if I remember correctly.

She was a frequent on tinder, and she had about 6 partners via tinder alone.  and as a girl, she later agreed that it was easier to find sex partners. 

I took off my shirt and also helped her to undress.

we made it to the bed.

I got a condom and got it ready.

I actually licked her out.  but she had a history of crohns, and that made me think of inflammatory cells oozing out of her anus from her colon due to inflammation. So I did not do it too much.  It did not feel appetizing.

So instead I decided to kill her.

We did fuck in a plush white sturdy bed with white cotton sheets. 

But afterwards, as she laid in that bed, I went to the kitchennette area and there was a knife.  A sharp steak knife with a sharp pointy end.  I went back towards her, and stabbed her in the left lower quadrant of her abdomen.  the inferior portion.

While going for the heart makes sense, the rib cage protects it from a lot of attacks.  So, instead I went for her abdomen, knowing that the peritonitis and infection can be mortal.

She tried to roll over and kick at me.

In that time I was lucky enough to get another stab in and this one was even deeper, as the weight of my body pushed the knife completely into her abdomen.  My next mission was to get the knife out, which causes even more damage.

I guarded the door and made sure that she could not leave.

she yelled at the top of her lungs for help.

no one came.

The room that she had rented was in a far corner of the hotel and far enough from help.

I eventually sliced her neck with that steak knife.  It might as well have been a butcher knife.

I cut right into her trachea and I could see some of the cartilage of those cartilaginous rings of hers.

I had already fucked her.

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Hospital


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