lawyers are a waste of time

lawyers are a waste of time. 

they are merely reciting the laws that have been written by other men and women.  There is no need to ever hire a lawyer.  If the legal system is righteous and forthcoming and you are honest, educated, and reasonable, then representing oneself is adequate.  A lawyer will add little to no value to your story defense or life, other than carrying around documents that merely document the case or cases.

What is more important than hiring a lawyer, spending money for those services and wasting time on those interactions, is to advocate for oneself.

Advocacy for oneself is something that no one will do better for you, that you will do for yourself.  But it does take some learning.  you have to learn what is important in that scenario, and also know what to communicate and how to communicate it effectively.  Counsel can be helpful at times in learning some of this, but they will never do it as well as you can for yourself as they do not have that vested interest.  And no amount of money or time will ever change that part of the equation. 

Invest in yourself rather than investing in others. 

advocate for yourself rather than relying on others to do it for you.


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