In the spirit of giacomo casanova, my sex life, or parts of it.

I have 106 sex partners.  95 women and 11 men. by age 40 years.  I am heteroflexible.

All of my sex partners were worth it and I learned quite a bit through each experience.  my fundamental take home points are wiat to use escorts after you have gotten girls on your own, and do not use a lot of porn until you have had some sex until after you have had sez with girls and women because sex with women is worth it, even if sex with men might be more convenient, and sometimes, at a certain age, a little more easy and faster.

I prefer women always.

I have always pursued women even since I was three years old.  I tried sticking my penis in a girl for the first time when I was three years old.  I ended up putting it in her belly button.  I could not find her thing.  her vagina.

I got my first kiss when I was four years old.  a kiss on my cheek from Allison.

My first full sexual encounter, one including coitus was at the age of 14 years.  I had sex with a 17 year old.  A puerto rican girl named gigi.  It was great.  I was conerned about pregnancy though.  I wish I had not been concerned about that, but my mother had become pregnant unexpectedly as a college student and so she always stressed safe sex with regard to pregnancy.  use a condom.  wait til marriage, things like that.

Then I had a long term girl friend during high school.  Anna.  We played quite a bit.  I decided not to have sex with her at that time because I did not want to go through another pregnancy scare or concern before college.

And then my formidable sex partner during college. Nimisha.  I did every position I could think of at that time.  I wish I had watched pornografy then to assist in my sexual experimentation with her, but I might not have made it to medical school had I been that invested in sex then.

I had several more partners, and by time I had 18 sexual partners, all women, I then started to include escorts in my sex life.  I started in spain, madrid, with a colombian girl.  the places that I got to see with them were very authentic.  or with her atleast.

Either way sex is great.  I think that I will stop here for tonight and maybe continue this writing another day.


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