how long does it take to walk from the congo to china

Another trip that I have been wondering about is how long did it take the first humans to walk and migrate from the congo to Asia. 

So I will use a similar analysis to estimate the walking time for that trip, but obviously this is merely an estimate, and more of an estimate of how long it could take a human to walk this journey now.  From the congo to china.

From google maps I measured the distance from the center of the congo to Hainan China.  This is 6,512.49 miles.  This is farther than getting to the british isles.

This path walks through iraq and iran via the arabian peninsula, and to the central area of china just south of mongolia. 

At a walking rate of 3 miles per hour, this journey will take about 2,170.83 hours.  which is 90.46 days.  this will take approximately 3.02 months without any stopping, so about four to five months, or even half a year to a year depending on how much rest and leisure is necessary to sustainably complete this journey. 

It would be fun to find someone who hasrecreated this journey and filmed it and uploaded that documentary to youtube.  I would definitely watch that, or at least the highlights. 

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Research Firm
Jamway conglomerate


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