belief fails

belief fails.

unfortunately, belief fails.
it is is knowledge that succeeds.

belief can be in anything even if it does not exist and while it can be helpful at times, it is less sustaining than knowledge, especially of reality.  that is one reason why science is important because it seeks and uses knowledge and especially knowledge of reality. 

belief can be delusional, and can lead to delusions.  there are many examples of this.  belief in a god is merely one of these delusions.  belief in life after death is another.  sure we are energy, and one law is that energy is not created or destroyed, but merely transferred, and while that may be true, it does not provide evidence for an afterlife.  In fact, we merely decay and become heat.  heat is a form of radiation.  As our bodies cease to exist and decay and die.  and the inert parts of our bodies become dirt and soil as we become apart of the earth and die and decay with the earth. 

This knowledge was not gained via belief, but rather from seeking knowledge and utilizing science.

So it is belief that fails and knowledge that wins.

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.


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