so, for the health of donald j trump

so, for the health of donald john trump

he has done excellently already.
as a man.
as a leader
and for his wealth, and for others.

he must no longer have food from mc donald’s or other fast food joints,
at least for a while, such as 1 - 11 months.
as resistance in superiorly healthy people decrease in some and many apects of their bodies. as a result continuing to eat things that he may or may not feel for will not be healthy for him any more, especially given his age. this will maximize his health as nutrition is the most important factor always.
he must continue to enjoy his activities of life each day. that is a next most important factor.
he also must not worry too much about stress reduction as that is often a source of decreasing health.

he has done perfectly well so far and may have many more years to prosper as well as longevity, which will help and assist his son, and his sons, as well as his daughter. and possibly other daughter. that other little one that was in the white house with baron, his son.

for what some people consider as excercise, because in fact, it is. he should continue to walk when he wants to.
it is excellent when you feel like it to beable to do it, but it is not always superior to actually do it, unless you realy want to. so take time to choose and to decide.
oxygenation always important. open a window, or have someone open a window for you, to increase the flow of oxygen into a room that you are in, especially when you feel stressed. and if opening 1 window is not sufficient then merely open a second window. that almost always will increase the flow of oxygen via air into that room.
often it is better to be cold with more oxygen that warm with less oxygen.
at work remove your shoes and rest and stress will decrease.
also loosen your tie and relax. and stress will decrease again.

in terms of low intensity exercise. yoga is excellent. and a much safer start than most alternatives. but do wat is comfortable too.
a little bit of jogging if you so choose. but be careful, and not on a tread mill. just walk first for a while. likely put on some sneakers, though. and then yes, walk and feel your body joyfully and relaxingly and rest and only about 0.25 of a mile. and do not worry so much about time. and then walk some more and rest, and walk and rest.

and then, maybe start to jog a little bit. for proper jogging it is very important to be up on your toes ever so slightly. this actually takes a lot of work to do properly, effectively, and efficiently. so do not rush as that will lead to injury. there is no doubt about that.

so just rest and walk and rest and walk. not too long.

it really does take about an hour to enjoy this. and up to three hours of so eventually, or even an entire morning, or even , often an entire day.
but to start 15 minutes to an hour is more than enough.

if you are bored then challenge your self some more, or in another way, but that will decrease your health. at that point it is optimization of health for some, and , for many others, especially in the class of irish germany, as such as austria, it should be onward to superiorization already. at which point it is maximization of performance and, or power.

it is not always power first.

technique is always key in each of these, and is an inherited trait always.

technique is alway important. technique is an inherited trait, even if it is learned. it is a simple part of evolution.

so wat is the more difficult part of evolution. the more difficult part of evolution is a something that u do not know, but is so important for survival, that without it you will die. and that is ireland. 


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