My letter to the vatican and pope to start the process for the cannonization of robert nesta marley as a saint of the catholic institution

My letter to the vatican and pope to start the process for the cannonization of robert nesta marley as a saint of the catholic institution

Dearest Vatican,
Apparently the evidence about robert nesta marley's father is well documented.  He is a white caucasian man who lived in saint ann jamaica and married a, or had sex with a nigger of jamaica.  a black woman.  not the blackest.  his father is saintly of saints.  Love of a black is not always easy, especially for a white, and his son did well.  definitely a saint of saint ann.  a saint of jamaica.  both robert nesta marley and his father. 
to which ever pope.  john paul the second.  karol wojtyla.  one of the netherlands maybe, ireland, england, as the story goes.  three little birds.  currently, benedic and francis. 
george, louis, william and harry. elizabeth. 
A saint of rastafarianism and therefore catholicism as each religion and religious institution is linked as it has been. 
So robert nesta marley is a saint of the catholic church for demonstrating love of all humans, and all of humanity, all animals and all living things including the earth and grass and trees. 
I have started the church of adrian which is a part of the catholic institution.  Robert Nesta Marley is definitely a saint of the church of adrian and the catholic institution. 
I have also started the church of niggers.  and he is a saint of that church too.  although there might be some objections since some niggers prefer peter tosh. or would want peter tosh to be sainted too.  the church of niggers is also a part of the catholic church and the catholic institution. 
Well enough for now. 
Robert nesta marley to be cannonized a saint of the catholic church and institution. 
Do inform me of any other important proceedings regarding this. 

Adrian Dane Kenny.
270 huntington avenue
apartment 513
back bay, boston, massachusetts 02115
united states of america

P.S. I have the original letter in my apartment in back bay of boston, massachusetts.  united states of america.
typed tuesday 12 february 2019.
written about one to two years ago. 
p.p.s I have also founded and started the church of jamaica.  The church of jamaica is also a part of the catholic churches and institutions. 

robert nesta marley is a saint of the church of adrian of the catholic institution.
robert nesta marley is a saint of the church of jamaica of the catholic institution.
robert nesta marlet is a saint of the church of niggers of the catholic institution.  


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