The genetics of the races of humans

The genetics of the races of humans

Adrian Dane Kenny, M.D.
Jamway Research Firm and Consulting Company
Jamway Hospital of Jamway Conglomerate

Mailing address:
270 Huntington Avenue
Apartment 513
Boston, Massachusetts 02115
United States of America

Phone number: 617-697-0732
Email address: or
Written during october 2018, and finished writing on 15 october 2018

After growing up in different populations and countries, most specifically, jamaica, canada, and the united states of america, and being exposed to the white fitzpatrick 1 race of humans, and the black fitzpatrick 6 race of humans, I realized there might be more differences than merely the color of their skin.  I have embarked on documenting, assessing, and analyzing the differences of the races of humans.  This includes the phenotypic, genetic, and metabolic differences of the races of humans, and the evolutionary causes for those differences of races of humans. 
In this article, I complete a secondary analysis of data revealed to me via youtube on the genetic make up of 19 humans who revealed their genetic test results for their racial make up.  These tests were done by ancestry, myheritagedna, and 23andme. 
I organized the tests results in a table and ranked the results in order by whiteness of the human's race, and whiteness of the genetic indicators. 
The ability to locate genetic information that correlates with race indicates that races of humans have a genetic basis and that there are some specific race genes. 

As I have grown up I have been exposed to different racial groups.  One being born in Jamaica, which is primarily a black-skinned fitzpatrick 6 skin type population, and then moving to Canada, which is primarily a white-skinned fitzpatrick 1 population.  And eventually moving to the United States of America. 
It was baffling to me this idea that we are all created equal as humans, when in fact it is quite clear that we are all different, even when just assessing skin color.  So this is part of the reason why I sought to further understand this discrepancy in reality, are we all equal, possibly just with different skin colors, or are we truly different and what is the genetic evidence of this. 
I have realized that we really are different, and have even formed into different races of humans due to genetic isolation as a part of our evolutionary processes, and due to differences in migration patterns, differences in nutrition, and differences in sun exposure.  And also due to differences in disease exposure. 
As a result of these things, and possibly other factors, we have evolved and mutated genetically differently, divergently at times, homologously at times, and even convergently at times.  So the races of humans is a factor of divergent evolution, homologous evolution and also convergent evolution, and is genetic.   

Type of study:
This is a secondary analysis of data that had been revealed publicly via youtube videos.

I came across videos on youtube of humans revealing their genetic make-up according to different racial and ethnic groups and geographical groups.  These people used different tests, such as, myheritagedna, and 23andme.  None of them had used helix.  They took the test, waited for their results, and revealed their genetic make up to the public. 
I watched these videos, and then even sought and searched for videos of humans from specific race groups, primarily using search terms associated with skin color.  I found videos for white skinned humans, brown skinned humans, and dark brown skinned humans.  I did not find videos for the humans representing the blackest skinned humans, fitzpatrick 6.  But I did come close with finding one video of a dark skinned brown woman. 
I then abstracted the demographic information for each individual, including their names, races, and genders.  I also abstracted their genetic contribution data that they revealed to the public.  This was all on youtube, and in the public domain of media and the internet. 
I even did a google search to find a representative of the blackest communities who had done a video explaining their genetic make up of their racial phenotype, such as a person from the congo of sub-saharan Africa.  However, I did not find any that way. 
I put this information in a table.  I ranked the racial and ethnic, and geographic groups according to whiteness, going from whitest on the left, to blackest on the right. 
I also ranked the individual humans according to whiteness too.  I assessed the whiteness of their skin color, from watching them in the videos and also by comparing other features such as hair type and texture, nose morphology, and iris color, when possible.  The whitest is at the top of the rank list, and the blackest is at the bottom of the rank list in the table. 
I then assessed the difference in the racial and ethnic make-up of the individuals, as well as the geographic backgrounds of the individuals.
To keep this information organized, I wrote this information down on sheets of paper, and then did some the ranking by race for each video.  Aftwerwards, I inputted it into a Microsoft excel worksheet and then integrated the data to complete my ranking of the individual humans by race.  I used that worksheet to create one of the tables that is presented below.

I found seven videos on youtube specifically filmed to reveal the genetic make-up of individual humans from specific racial groups. 

Table 1:
Links to the seven videos on youtube and the races of the individual humans who were included.
Link to video Race of individuals that were included White irish humans, and brown indian human Brown human Brown Asian American humans White black mixed human Brown human Brown African American humans Dark brown African American human

Table 2:
Races for 19 humans of videos uploaded to youtube, showing their percentage of genetic contribution from specific racial and ethnic groups.
Human Race Gender Irish/scottish/welsh ireland/scotland/wales
john 2 white irish man
laura white irish woman
john 1 white irish man
michael hoy brown chinese caucasian man
mia barnett brown japanese caucasian british woman
kristel brown woman 11.20%
kevin nguyen brown vietnamese french man
gene cho brown korean man
kane diep brown chinese man
aria inthavong brown lao man
alexis belon brown mixed white-brown italian african american.  Identifies her father as black. woman
ray pajar brown filipino man
sarina brown indian irish woman
swasti shukla brown indian woman
leidy valdez brown woman
le sweet pea brown african american woman 5%
caitlin arthur brown woman
unnamed brown african american man
misfit mari dark brown african american woman

Human British & Irish Great britain Scandinavian finland/northwest russia
john 2 94.60%
laura 80.10%
john 1 75.70%
michael hoy 22.90%
mia barnett 19.10% 2.20%
kristel 34.20%
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon 26.70%
ray pajar
sarina 3.60%
swasti shukla
leidy valdez 2.20%
le sweet pea 18%
caitlin arthur
misfit mari 4% <1% 5%

Human northwestern european Broadly northwest european europe west french & german
john 2
john 1
michael hoy 4.10% 24.20%
mia barnett 4.60% 21.90%
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon
ray pajar
swasti shukla
leidy valdez 8.60% 6.50%
le sweet pea 3%
caitlin arthur
misfit mari <1%

Human European East European Europe east Ashkenazi jewish
john 2 1.20% 4.20%
laura 5.60% 4.20%
john 1
michael hoy
mia barnett
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon
ray pajar
sarina 5.70% 5.70%
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea
caitlin arthur 13.00%
unnamed 20%
misfit mari

Human european jewish italy/greece italian Iberian
john 2
laura 10.00%
john 1 9.20% 8.60%
michael hoy
mia barnett
kristel 19.80%
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon 47%
ray pajar 0.80%
swasti shukla
leidy valdez 7.10%
le sweet pea
caitlin arthur
misfit mari 2% <1%

Human iberian peninsula Broadly southern european middle eastern North African
john 2
john 1 4.20%
michael hoy
mia barnett
kristel 2.10% 4.40%
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon
ray pajar
swasti shukla
leidy valdez 12.20%
le sweet pea
caitlin arthur
misfit mari <1%

Human Africa north Japanese Korean chinese
john 2
john 1
michael hoy 41.10%
mia barnett 49.50%
kevin nguyen 20.80%
gene cho 1.20% 97.30% 1.20%
kane diep 92.20%
aria inthavong 19.80%
alexis belon
ray pajar
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea <1%
caitlin arthur
misfit mari

Human caucasus west asia/ caucasus west asian east asian/ eskimo/inuit
john 2
john 1
michael hoy
mia barnett
kristel 1.80% 1.40%
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon
ray pajar
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea <1%
caitlin arthur
misfit mari <1%

Human broadly east asian east asian & native american native american filipino
john 2
john 1
michael hoy
mia barnett 0.40% 0.30%
kristel 0.90%
kevin nguyen 0.70% 2.10%
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon
ray pajar 99.10%
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea
caitlin arthur 14.30%
misfit mari 1%

Human thai vietnamese southeast asian south asian
john 2
john 1
michael hoy 1.30%
mia barnett
kevin nguyen 76.40%
gene cho
kane diep 7.50%
aria inthavong 79.80%
alexis belon
ray pajar
sarina 84.20%
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea
caitlin arthur 0.20%
misfit mari

Human indian indigenous amazonian oceanian sub saharan african
john 2
john 1
michael hoy
mia barnett
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon
ray pajar
sarina 0.80%
swasti shukla 100%
leidy valdez 60%
le sweet pea
caitlin arthur <0.1%
unnamed 78.40%
misfit mari

Human broadly subsaharan african mali senegal sierra leone
john 2
john 1
michael hoy
mia barnett
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon 4%
ray pajar
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea 6% 6%
caitlin arthur 2.90%
misfit mari 2% 8%

Human ivory coast/ghana benin/togo east african/ somalian kenyan
john 2
john 1
michael hoy
mia barnett
kristel 6.00%
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon 0.30%
ray pajar
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea 12% 3%
caitlin arthur
misfit mari 33% 3%

Human nigerian west african central & south african africa southeastern bantu
john 2
john 1
michael hoy
mia barnett 0.50%
kristel 9.30% 7.40%
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon 13.80% 23.30%
ray pajar
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea 35% 4%
caitlin arthur
misfit mari 6% 8%

Human central africa cameroon/congo africa south central hunter gatherer
john 2
john 1
michael hoy
mia barnett
kevin nguyen
gene cho
kane diep
aria inthavong
alexis belon 1.20%
ray pajar
swasti shukla
leidy valdez
le sweet pea 2% <1%
caitlin arthur
misfit mari 22% 2%

From table 2 it is clear that there are genetic markers for race, specifically races of humans.  Presumably, and at the least, this is going to be for skin color, iris color, and hair color and texture.  It should also include other organs such as the musculoskeletal system, and even slight differences in the heart and cardoiovascular systems, the lungs, the liver, and the other organs.  There might and should be larger differences among the neurological system, specifically, and at the least in the brain. 
the white races are indicated by the following racial, ethnic, and geographic descriptors: irish/Scottish/welsh, Ireland/Scotland/wales, British & irish, Great Britain, Scandinavian, Finland/northwest Russia, Northwest European, Broadly northwest European, Europe west, French & german, European, Europe east, Ashkenazi jewish, European jewish, Italy/Greece, Italian, Iberian, Iberian peninsula, Broadly southern European, Middle eastern, North African, Africa north.
These are also ranked in order of whiteness.
The brown races are indicated by the following racial, ethnic, and geographic descriptors: Japanese, Korean, Chinese, Caucasus, West asia/Caucasus, East Asian/eskimo/inuit, Broadly east Asian, East Asian & native American, Native American, Filipino, Thai, Vietnamese, Southeast Asian, Indian, Indigenous Amazonian, Oceanian.
These have also been ranked in order of their whiteness as best as I know, at this current time.
The black races are indicated by the following racial, ethnic, and geopgraphic descriptors: Sub-saharan African, Mali, Senegal, Sierra leone, Ivory coast/Ghana, Benin/togo, East African/somalian, Kenyan, Nigerian, West African, Central & south African, Africa southeastern bantu, Central Africa, Cameroon/congo, Africa south central hunter gatherer.
These groups have also been ranked in order of their whiteness too, as best as I know at this current time.

It is clear that there are genetic differences according to the races of humans. 
There is no doubt to me that there are races of humans.  Those races are white, brown, and black.  This means that there has been enough genetic isolation over thousands of years, or hundreds of thousands of years, and assortive mating processes, as well as differences in climate exposure and sun exposure, and differences in nutrition to explain the evolution and appearance of races of humans.  And of course, within each of these racial groups there is also racial and ethnic differences.  These are racial subgroups and are often referred to as ethnicities.  This can be as discrete as anyone would like to make it, or as broad as anyone would like to make it.  However when making it as broad as possible it ultimately becomes  three races of humans: white, brown, and black.  The genetics of race will in fact verify and completely corroborate the evidence of these three racial groups, phenotypically, genetically, and evolutionarily.


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