a chapter from my current novel; hitler's mistake

a chapter from my current novel; hitler's mistake

you want to know the story of the niggers. 
doing something in the congo, still enjoying the mist, and bananas and the environment.  neanderhal took of way past arabia and into europe following the deliate insects.  the niggers did not even notice.  the just kept sitting on the grass in the bush and eating bananas. 
then the caucasians came back and saw their old friend, foe, and enemies.  and wondered what happened.  they talked to them in english and tried to convince them of all the things that they had seen and learned and started and invented and the great civilizations that they had finally stabilized. 
the nigger wondered why they had left the bananas behind, and offered the caucasians a banana.  some caucasians never wanted a banana.  some caucasians no longer wanted a banana, and some caucasians still wanted a banana.  my caucasians took the banana and ate it.  the munros they are.  nd this led to sex with the niggers for that group of caucasians.  and eventually led to me.  a multiracial brown race human. with kinky curly, frizzy, nappy hair. 
some caucasians saw this and left.  they returned with guns, that they had invented in china.  the caucasians of china invented the guns too.  and then with ships and even eventually with tanks.  they gave alcohol to the niggers and the tribal leaders of the niggers drank the alcohol and got liver failure and cancers.  hepatitis and jaundice.  posterior column dysfunction.  the caucasians took the niggers and led them into the caucasian settle ments in west africa.  africa is a caucasian word, you know. 
then the caucasians took the niggers on their first ship and trans-any water trip.  the niggers were aghast. but some loved it and immedicate loved the white man. 
in the americas, the niggers were chained and borded,  whipped and berated.  they were made to labor, all in unskilled ways.  cognitively inferior the niggers are.  but large penises with strong muscles in their bodies.  evolved for strength like the other gorillas. 
the united states deveoped even faster than anticipated in minor part due to the muscles of the niggers.  the caucasian masters had invented that plan, the niggers just had to be tamed and domesticated like cattle and sheep and horses and dogs, and then put to good human use. 
some leanred things from the white men, and tried new things that other niggers had never thought of. 
these niggers tride to run of and please things, including the white girls.  some ended up lynched and murdered. 
the caucasians burned down even their own churches that the niggers had been allowed into.  the ku klux klan, the police even.  mississippi burning.  the deep south of the east of the united states of america. 
eventually other liberal caucasians saw this and thought, this is wrong.  they listened to the intelligent niggers who made their case that they are human and no longer gorillas.  and eventually civil rights movements for blacks, the niggers, the negros, the negroids, the congoids, and people of non-white colors was forwarded as a policy issue. 
the niggers were integrated more into white caucasian systems, and these niggers became the most knowledgeable niggers of the niggers and gorillas.  the american niggers. 
the ones in the west indies got to start their own countries with the insistance of the british caucasians and the carib indians, who had already started it for them.  the names from the carib indians. the indians of the caribbean, and the systems and formalization, and even the word country from the british caucasians.  the niggers merely were the largest number of humans on the islands.  but got much more autonomy as a result of it.  the jamaican nigger.  the caribbean nigger.  the west indian nigger.
the spanish nigger, learned spanish and thought that he was no longer spanish.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U68MJz9DrI4.  he spoke in that romance language and gelled his hair.  and thought he was closer to white.  he denied the other niggers and only spoke to he niggers who were whiter than him.  he learned salsa and played baseball.  spanish niggers. 
the nigger of brazil.  these played fútbol.  they were  back in a hot climate around the equator.  these did not touch the white girl, unless they were brown.  neymar.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LjxulQ1bEWg.  edson.  the brazilian caucasians, showing off their might and power, invested into football and allowed the niggers to play to watch their improvement on the field and in their stadiums.  and pele evolved from that.  the german brazilian caucasians too.  they exported their data and knowledge to germany.  too.  published in academic journals as articles.  fighting that shit takes the earth colliding with the sun.  the star of this solar system.  just another solar system. 
brazil was really just copeting with the united states of america.  and brazil only won when it came to soccer.  and only on the field.  in some great tournaments.  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcm55lU9knw
and the niggers still in the congo.  the ones waiting their turn.  they kep playing with the gorillas, but eventually the humaner ones stopped fucking the gorillas and procreating with them as they saw the portuguese caucasians, the spanish caucasians, the neaderthaler caucasians, and the british cauacsians, and even eventually the american caucasians, and the canadian caucasians.  some also say the belgium caucasians, the french caucasians, the german caucasians, and the italian caucasians.  so these niggers also left the gorillas behind eventually.  but they still do not know much about the americas, these niggers especially.  they do know the congo, but in a different form of thought.  it is not just different words.  it is different cerebral processes, different neurons, and different concepts. 
so these niggers are in bliss.  the congo niggers of the congo.  congo also being a caucasian word. 
so what are the actual words of niggers.  pure nigger words without any caucasian influence. 
i still do not know one undeniable nigger word.  one not of the latin alfabet for spelling.  or the english alfabet.  it would be lines on a paper.  my first production ever.  a kindergaren production that i completed in my mother and father's town house on wind wood drive in mississauga, ontario, and presented and gave a way to students at saint elizabeth seton elementary school.  but even that is not nigger completely.  the pen and paper are inventions of the caucasians. 
so it would just be vocal sounds that others write down in english and other languages.  sounds that other's call words and project their formalized systems on.  niggers of the wild. 


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