Chapter 37 from surgery and sex: A negroid trapped in a black world on earth.

Chapter 37
A negroid trapped in a black world on earth

I am a negroid trapped in a black world on earth.
I froteured eliza cowan.
a white caucasian woman in a white world on earth.
maybe had i been white she might not have called the police. 
or, maybe she still would have.
maybe if I was more aesthetically pleasing to her,
then she would have accepted my invitation for sex and friendship. 
she is still a friend of mine, 
although she may not want me,
as i want her.  
I am a nigger.
perceived to be black. 
one drop rule.
having not left the congo in time to keep up with the rest.
maybe my ancestors were having too much fun,
basking in the sun,
of the congo.
maybe my ancestors were not 
intelligent enough
to bear the cold climate prior to the erection of these buildings.
the penalty is:
to forever be a negroid.
even my child will be a negroid.
a nigger still.
even a mongoloid can not change that.
but he or she will be mine.
and for that i want a caucoid. 
Harvard boy.

2 days after being convicted for froteurism of eliza cowan, 
a conviction of indecent assault and battery.


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