Chapter 3: A low intensity work out

Chapter 3
I went to marino center to work out already.  I arrived at 5:08 am and finished by 5:54 am.  Another excellent low intensity workout.  I brought a bottle of water with me, in a container that I had found abandoned on the street. 
My outfit cost me $161 us dollars.  my shirt and socks I found for free.  my tights were $41, and my shoes were about $120.  It was mad comfortable. 
I decided to take the elevator, rather than make every moment a work out.  I got to relax and mentally prepare som more for my exercise.  I went to a studio and did some light stretching.  I did some abductor movement, I can not find the name of those soccer exercises though.  I will continue to look, though. 

Then I did some adductor movements.  I did about eight reps of each.  and then some hip swinging in flexion and extension planes, and then lunges.  the lunges really trigger the pain of my right pectineus, right adductors, and groin.  But it still feels good, and my right adductor muscle seem to be relaxing, and loosening, and strengthening a little bit also. 
Then I continued to drink water, and walked to the stationary bicycles.  I noticed a cybex adductor, abductor machine on the second floor, but it was temporarily out of order.  There is also one on the third floor.  I chose a different keiser stationary bicycle this morning.  This one could be adjusted more easily.  So I set the seat to level H, and the handle bars to level 5.  The handle bar setting is actually betwee 1 and 7.  I rode for 2 minutes and 21 seconds.  I was warming up a little bit, and that was enough for me. 
Then to the free weights.  I picked up two 5 pound free weights.  One in each hand, and I did arm raises infront of my body going from infront touching my thighs to all the way above my head.  At this weight it is much easier to exercise the complete rnge of motion without causing injury, because the weight is manageable.  I did about 6 reps.  It felt great.  I could feel the slight resistance to my muscles, and my muscles activating and contracting and relaxing and my mobility was already increasing again.  my flexibility was also increasing. 
I did some hip bends, with the freeweights in my hands infront of me, bending at the hip in flexion, and letting my knuckles touch the carpet of the floor. 
Then some side bends, letting my thumb slide down my thigh, with the weight in my hand, and again working on the flexibility of my core, abdominals, and back muscles.  even multifidus was being triggered, activated, contracted, and relaxed, not all at the same time, though, of course.  It is a pattern of movement.  A symphony of movements that is excellent and well coordinated.  I did this on each side and alternated from side to side, beginning on the other side each time.  so it was 1,2  the 2,1  the 1,2, then 2,1.  each number representing one side of my body.  This helped to ensure that I did not just swing back and forth, and ensured that I had a more controlled action.  Which is better for technique, muscle control, and reduction of injury.  But that swinging stuff is still important as it is excellent for maximizing power when ready, and integrating the natural and innate movements of our body and loosing control, but still being in charge of oneself.  It is quite important, too.
I also did some bicep curls.  6 reps for each bicep, and upside down tricep curls, and adduction and abduction of my upper extremities, going from touching the sides of my thighs all the way to above my head and touching the weights together. 
All of this was done with those two 5 pound weight dumbells.  That helps my deltoids, my latissimus dorsi, seratus anterior, seratus posterior, and my pectoral muscles, and my other back muscles and core.  even my abdominals. 
This weight amount is excellent for range of motion exercises. 
And the low weight amount does not cause ripping of my muscles as much, or at all, as compared to heavy weights, which is healthier.  not to rip. 
Also the low intensity work outs minmize injury. 
But a limitation of low intensity work outs is that the cardiovascular testing and exercise is not as superior.  It takes really running at fast paces for 3 to 5 miles, or even up to 12 miles once in a while, to really get the maximal cardiovascular benefit and peak performance of one's heart and cardivascular system, and lungs and respiratory system.  But I am sure that this decreases longevity.  It takes up more energy to do this in a shorter period of time, than merely resting and eating nutritiously with minimal activity. 
It does increase the performance of other organs too, since the blood flow increases and oxygenation increases at higher level of exercise, specifically aerobic exercise.  But I am still sure that this decreases longevity on an absolute scale. 
heavy weights with perfect technique can increase power through injuring the muscle with little rips and tears, microtears, and then causing the muscle to bulge and shorten in length, and recruiting more muscle fibers to contract in a more coordinated fashion, that leads to increased power.  On an absolute scale though, I am quite sure that it reduces strength, contrary to popular belief, and instead increases power because of increased coordination, increased control and awareness of how to use one's muscle, and eventually maximal recruitment of neuromuscular units of the muscle group.  I have used heavy weights to train, but not often, and I prefer superior cardiovascular health, perfect technique, and less weight amounts to acheive this.  But once I perfect something, I do like to test myself with higher weights and I have even enjoyed burnout in the past too.  But this must be done carefully, and with a spotter if necessary, or else injuries will happen very often. 
If I needed someone to actually pick up heavy objects then having them to train with heavy weights would be beneficial.  But who really wants to do that, unless it is a woman. 
Brook Hill might want this information. 
I also did squats while holding the two  pound weights in my hand and placing my hands at and then near the flexor creases of my hips. 
Then I used the 5 pound weights again to do chest presses while laying supine on a bench.  That felt nice too.  only 8 reps or so.  I do not like to do it til burnout anymore,  just enough to enjoy the exercise and feel the sensation in my brain, as my muscles contract and relax.  Sex for exercise all of the time would be better though.
Then i used a therapy ball, and placed it between my thighs and squeezed. And then also raised the ball behind my head.  I was laying supine on the carpeted floor, as I did those two exercises.  I also did some internal hip rotation with leg extension, alternating between each lower extremity, and feeling my adductors, especially still focused on my right adductors and my right pectineus.   
Then I used a cybex adductor and abductor machine.  This time I set the weight to 10 pounds, rather than at the lowest setting.  That was nice too.
That was it for me. 
I left, and got my driver's liscence from the front desk, and walked home. 
I continued to drink water.
At home I have been typing and writing again, and I cut an orange into quarters and ate each slice, eating everything but the rind.  So most of the roughage as well as the pulp and juice.  The best way to consume a fruit ever!  And that is not changing.  I can make something with the rind, even.  A drink or soup perhaps. 
Now off to shedrick gavin's to talk about the word nigger. 
I will call him now. 

A lot of my assumptions fell apart. 

For club and country!


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