

Vaccines are thought to be one of the great medical breakthroughs.  It seems like they work, although the data might be overinterpreted to assist in arguing for their use in public health initiatives for reducing the burden of disease.

Also, some families do not want vaccines because they think that they are a cause of autism.

Well, regardless, my point is quite simple.  i do not think that anyone should be forced to have a vaccine simply because it does injure the body.  Simply a needlestick and injecting foreign material into a person's body is injurious, no matter what anyone says.  That is true.  It does not mean that it does not work and it is not based on sound science, but it is an injury none the less.

I no longer want any vaccinations for anything.

Diseases, viruses, bacteria.  All of that is normal, and a certain amount of infections are expected with normal human development.  A vaccine is not necessary to prevent these things, since much of it can either be avoided by healthy behaviors, or even overcome by minimal health care treatments.
I really do not want my immune system boosted by these things any longer.  Nor did I when I was a child.  Unfortunately, my parents did not advocate for my wishes all of the time.


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