Tooth brushing.

Tooth brushing.

As I grew up, my mother would ensure that I had excellent hygiene, almost too much so.  For example brushing teeth.  While it is commonly taught that brushing teeth should be done at least twice a day, or after all meals, or three times a day,  I have realized that even the technology of a tooth brush can be harmful.  Sometimes when I brush my teeth my gums shed some blood, and it is noticeable.  So I eventually started brushing my teeth less and less and less.  And now, I do not do it as often, and my teeth and gums feel much healthier.  I do not even enjoy the taste of tooth paste anymore. 

I actually started thinking about what foods I should eat that naturally help to clean my teeth.  For example some apples or certain vegetables and roughage.  Even kale, possibly.  I started coming to these conclusions by thinking about what other animals eat that maintain their teeth to be healthy.  Such as a horses.  I find that approach did help, but I still do brush my teeth once in a while.
I also stopped the unhealthy behaviors that cause teeth to rot, such as eating candy and eating food that is highly concentrated in processed and manufactured sugars.  And also, not drinking coffee, smoking cigarettes or other inhalants, and definitely not doing street drugs.  A lot of crackheads and heroin users have really horrible tooth decay and gum disease.  These things make a large difference. 

With regard to my gums bleeding, sure the way a person's brushes their teeth matters as well as choosing the right tooth brush.  Not brushing very hard, and using a soft bristle tooth brush makes a difference.  Hard brushing and hard bristles not only will damage the gums and lead to bleeding, they will also remove enamel from the teeth, and hasten the formation of cavities. 

I am not sure why companies even make hard bristle tooth brushes.


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