Social darwinism.

Social darwinism.

The little bit that I know about social darwinism is that includes the idea that whites are more evolved as compared to non white humans.  I am not sure that this is wrong.  In many ways it seems correct.  Some would say that it is just a social and economic facade.  However, when a person factors in intelligence, inventions, winning wars, and development of a dominant society and civilization, it does not seem to be wrong.  That seems to provide evidence to support that.  it is the whites who domesticated almost everything, if not everything.  So I kind of agree, interestingly enough.
I do remember in high school a person asking us who or what we thought was the most evolved species.  I immediately was thinking of humans, but then also considered bacteria, since it is such a simple, efficient and effective life.  Bacteria will be around and survive even after the earth ceases to support life and ceases to have an adequate energy supply.  I am sure many would say white caucasians, and there is evidence to support that position.  However, one other interesting answer was birds, because they can fly.

Regarding whites being the most evolved, a lot of people think this because of their superior intelligence.  They are probably the most intelligent of the human races.  The only issue with that intelligence, though, is that can even lead to self destruction.  That intelligence has been used to win wars, to enslave others, to invent technology, such as tools, money, buildings, computers, the internet, planes, and cars and automobiles.  As well as to domesticate animals and develop farming.  Some non-white communities and individuals did participate, but it seems that the whitests always end up taking the lead and thinking through all of the issues necessary to ensure the creation and development of something.

I am quite sure that the main reason why asians score higher on intelligence tests is because they study for them and study the white caucasian and western culture.  On some level the asians seem to copy the whites and then distill some of the ideas of whites and western cultures to simpler tasks, but I am quite sure that they still lose to the white civilizations.  For instance, they would lose in war, and even in the invention of technology.  They seem to copy and replicate rather than create.  There are examples of this in technology, art, sailing, fishing, sports and so on.  And, I am not sure that the history tales and books always depict it as accurately as possible.  People often want to feel like they are superior or know something, and when writing a historical document they often fabricate and exagerate what they have done, or do not know the story in its entirety.

Regardless, the intelligence of the white caucasian communities could be hastening the destruction of earth.  All of these buildings destroy the earth when being created and built.  The capture of energy for the use of electricity and computers, and the internet, and even for cars and trains and automobiles, and whatever else, all hastens the destruction of the earth, and thus hastens the extinction of humanity, unless, some how humans develop away to colonize places beyond earth that can also sustain their lives.  I am unsure if that will really be done.  So from that point white caucasians might be less evolved at sustaining life, because their very intelligence would be leading to extinction.

Apparently the national aeronautics and space administration is leading the way in that endeavor.  Specifically colonizing space in a sustainable manner.  Again led by white caucasians.
However, when the question of what or who is the most evolved is limited to human races, the real determinant will be which race outlives the others.  Which goes extinct like the other hominins, and which continue to dominate the earth.  Whites could lose due to their superior intelligence.  Often they overthink and even come to false conclusions that seem logical, but are not.  Where as asians might gain from copying and not wasting as much.  And blacks might even outshine others by just minding their own business and not buying into the technology and inventions that seem to be superior.  The outcome is not clear, although the evidence seems to support the whites.  One way to rush to a definitive conclusion is to exterminate a human race.  That human race would then be undeniably inferior on many levels and measurements, as they did not have the ability to survive as long as the others.  For instance neanderthal, denisovan, homo heidelbergensis, homo habilis, and others could be thought of as less evolved than their ancestral humans that continue to exist and survive and propogate.


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