Racial connections.

Racial connections.

I am mixed race.  Thus my racial connections are quite complex.  They span all of the living races of humans on some level.  And they include the three most dominant races: white, asian and black. 
I am of a distant family of white people.  The munros.  They immigrated to Grenada and a munro, who was a white caucasian french woman married and bred with a mixed brown skinned man who was a campbell.  That is the most recent connection that I have to a white race person in my family.  Four or five generations ago or more. 

My great grandfather was from Hong Kong.  He is chinese.  Isaac Chin.  He moved to Jamaica and had my grandmother, Verna Chin, with another asian woman.  So that is my strongest asian connection.

For the majority of my family, they are really brown skinned people.  Light skinned people.  And probably some of my distant relative somehow found themselves in the caribbean as members of the carib indians or arawak indians.  I guess that some of them walked and floated there somehow.  Canoes or something.  Or some adventure of walking and sailing somehow.  But that part is not very definitive.

Another part that is not very definitive is from my blackest skinned relatives.  My maternal grandmother did tell me that we are igbo, or that our blackest ancestors were from the igbo.  Igbo is a tribe of western africa, specifically in present day nigeria.  But none of my family members really have the blackest of skin.  Some approximate mahogany, such as William Kenny and Jacqueline Cooper, but they still are not the blackest individuals. 

I am not the blackest, I am not the whitest either, I am pretty much brown skinned.  My skin color camouflages with the indians from india and some of the asians, as well as with the mixed light skinned black people. 

So I have racial connections to white, asian, brown, and black.  I identify with each of these groups on some level, and also differ to some of the members of each of these groups. 


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