My tinder algorithm for maximizing the amount of sex via tinder while minimizing the cost.

A tinder algorithm for maximizing the amount of pussy or cock accessed via tinder while minimizing the expense.  

The first step is to get a smart phone or an iphone and upload tinder.  Then fill out a casual profile.  Include hints that you are down to fuck, such as phrases like 'open to all possibilities'.  While phrases like 'down to fuck', or 'friends with benefits', and 'no strings attached sex', or 'looking to hookup' will streamline the process of finding the girls who are explicitly looking for sex and more sex partners, unfortunately it also is a warning sign for most girls, who would participate in casual sex as long as they feel a connection beyong merely wanting sex in the beginning.  The key to this algorithm is swipe right on all of the women's profiles regardless of your initial attraction.  This maximizes the number of women that you could match with in the tinder algorithm, and minimizes the loss of any sexual encounter.  Women of all shapes and sizes want sex.  It is difficult to predict who will be interested or horny enough to meet, and therefore to maximize the number of sexual partners, swiping right on all profiles to ensure that every woman is included is key.  Once matched, have a streamlined process for conversing with them via the tinder app.  Start by typing a one word opening greeting, such as hi, hello, cheers, sup, hru.  Anything short and to the point cuts the time wasted texting on the app to a minimum and get straight to the point of making them decide whether to respond or not.  In sexual attraction, while words can be helpful, the initial attraction is mostly due to physical appearance and key non verbal cues.  Therefore, do not let the words get in the way.  Keep it short and to the point.  Only one to three messages of text back an forth.  So by your third text to her, the message should be let's meet at a cafe, or let's meet at a bar.   Do not give her any options, or if you do then only two options, so the choice is really straight forward.  Such as, 'let's meet at a bar or cafe.'  

So an example of a streamlined conversation on tinder is:
guy: hi
girl: hello
guy: I hope that you are enjoying yourself this evening.  Hru?
girl: I am well.  just sitting on my bed watching television.
guy: would you like to meet at Caffe Bene for coffee or tea this week?
girl: Yes!

Three exchanges to confirm a date.

The approach of inviting a girl over to your apartment or house or abode, immediately via tinder might work a few times, but most likely that will fail too, as most girls will reject a man in that situation most of the time.  It is worth it to try, but when seeking the maximum number of women to have sex with, it often ends up as a failed and missed attempt to meet.  Most sensible people prefer to meet in public first.  However, as to speed up the process of getting her to your apartment, meeting at a cafe near your apartment is the thing to do.  If she at all seems interested inviting her over to your place to make it clear that you would like a more intimate setting with her and more alone time with her, rather than meeting in public, will clue her into your sexual interest, even if it is merely subconscious.  Even if she prefers to stay away from your apartment initially, she will be thinking about that invitation and deciding if she wants to partake in that sexual adventure at a later date.  
Alternatively, it is nice to plan a date near her place of residence too, but it takes getting more information from her online or letting her decide.  If a girl takes the initiative then go with it and make her feel comfortable so that she might invite you over for sex, however if she is not taking the initiative and not wanting to reveal her location to you, then do not worry, just plan something that is convenient for yourself and she will decide how and if she will participate.  When the numbers start to rack up the meeting in public starts to become a cordiality and order of event that is more of like a prescreening date.  Once that is complete the moves towards coitus become quite quick and the one's who are too slow, often get left behind.  Also, keep in contact with all of your matches, at the least by not unmatching with any of them.  With enough opportunities, it is likely that you will meet a girl who wants a booty call and has built up the courage to initiate it with a man of her selection.  
With more experience and encounters it becomes easier to weed out the girls who just want to be paid for to go out, or want a plutonic friendship rather than a coital relationship.  
So to recap:
1. Buy a smart phone or an iphone
2. upload tinder
3. fill out the profile and be inviting, casual, and clear, yet direct.
4. swipe right on all of the profiles of the women to include as many potential matches as possible. 
5. keep messaging on the app to a minimum and be direct.  
6. start with a simple one word greeting.  Hi, hello, cheers, hru.
7. minimize the number of messages exchanged.  Try to keep it down to three exchanges and be lining up a date to meet by then or shortly after those initial exchanges.
8. As the number of partners start to increase time will matter, and so planning to meet at a cafe or bar that is the closest to your place of residence will be important. 
9. Always invite her back to your apartment in a non threatening manner.
10. if she rejects the offer, wait and contact her later.  This gives her time to think about what she really wants, what she is willing to do, and all of the iterations of thoughts about you that she might be having.  
11. Do not unmatch with any matches since statistically, with enough matches it is likely that one of them will want a no strings attached sexual encounter and will initiate it with you.  

The more opportunities the more likely it is that you will get laid more times than ever before.  
This works for other dating apps too such as bumble.  However, with bumble, in particular, you have to wait for the girl to initiate the messaging, after that it is all open and up to you.  
And that became my tinder algorithm.  So that is my tinder algorithm for maximizing the amount of sex via tinder while minimizing the cost. 


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