

Now that humans have colonized the earth so effectively as to decrease the geographic boundaries to communication and travel by the inventions of boats, ships, planes, cars, other automobiles, telephones, satellites, cellular phones, computers and the internet, it seems that the earth has been effectively globalized. 

It seems to me that the need for countries, is much less and probably no longer necessary.  I guess there are still cultural ties among most countries, historical sentiments, and power hierarchies for wanting to maintain the function of the unit of a country.  However, as far as travel and the spread of ideas, it no longer seems necessary to use countries, nor to be separated by political, cultural, or historical differences. 

I would propose that collapsing the countries and their governments into one country and one universal government would make sense.  Those structures are not essential for the competition that drives creation and invention and new technology or interesting and fun developments.  They are probably more of a hindrance, and have a lot of overlap of functions.  Thus can be deemed wasteful.  The regions of earth might still need some representation which could be similar to some of the countries that already exist, however, this would be under one government that is centralized in some capacity and also decentralized enough to represent people living on different parts of the earth. 

One way this would impact people is through travel.  This is the main reason why I am currently thinking about this idea of having one country rather than the 195 countries that are recognized by the united nations, or the 305 countries on nation master.  Having one governing body would make it easier to travel than having 195 governing bodies having to correspond.  Especially with the advent of the internet for communication.  The internet, has sped up communication and even made it easier to communicate.  Email is a prime example. 

So one country to govern life on earth seems to be the way to go at some point in time.  Especially since life of humans is not that different even despite the cultural, historical, and genetic differences.  We are still one species, and overall, quite similar. 


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