

The other day I walked down Massachusetts Avenue and stopped to talk to a guy in a wheel chair.  His name was Jose.  Although he preferred to go by the name Joe.

Joe started talking, and I realized that he was an amputee of his right leg and wounded of his left leg.  I stated to him, "you are an amputee?"  He replied, "yes."  I went on to question, "was it due to diabetes?"  He replied, "A nail in my foot that I could not feel, but yes, I have diabetes." 
I was partially correct.  He could not feel the nail in his foot or even notice it as he was stepping on it due to having diabetes for a long time that had impaired his nerves and nervous system. 

I asked him about his other leg, and he told me that it was damaged from something else. 

He eventually went on to explain that he has been wishing for the lord to take him.  He wants to die.  I told him he could do that in Canada and Belgium.  I also told him about Doctor Jack Kevhorkian, who used to assist patients to commit suicide, but that it was deemed illegal in the united states of america, and he had to serve some jail time.

Oregon, has the most euthanasia friendly laws of the united states. 

I think everyone should have the right to kill themselves.  It is their body.  It is their life.  It is their right to die.  Preventing that by law seems absurd to me.  Another way of trying to control someone else.  Suicide should be legal, and assisting someone in killing themself should also be legal too.  It should be legal in every country.  And it should not depend on whether or not a person has a terminal disease either.  Just good ol' suicide for anyone wanting to and deciding to go through with it. 
To be quite frank, I do not even have problems with homicide.  That is quite natural too.  Killing is an innate quality of animals, including humans.  How else would we eat and survive. 


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